Page 100 of Summer's Gift

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“Miles really wanted his family to be there, but things had become very strained. Silas’s whole family was there, so Miles tried to balance things out with close friends.”

“But you knew that wasn’t enough for him.”

“I knew what it was like to feel insignificant on an important day in your life.”

His heart withered at that thought. “Summer.”

“I know. You don’t have to say it. Anyway, I didn’t want him to feel that way and for his day to be tarnished in any way, so I intervened.”

“You called his parents.”

“I did. And I got them on a plane and to the wedding on time. Miles... he was floored. It made that day and their relationship better.”

“What did you say to make them come?”

“I told them how I felt every time my mother disappointed me, how it chipped away at my heart and soul. I told them if they loved their son and only wanted him to be happy, then he could only truly be that on his big day if they were there to see that all they feared wasn’t going to stop Miles from being the kind of happy he deserved to be. They cried when they watched their son marry, because everyone saw the joy and excitement Miles and Silas couldn’t contain, the love they had for each other. Miles’s parents saw and felt it. And when there’s that kind of love, that changes everything.”

He couldn’t help but feel it inside him when he looked at her. “You’re right. It changes everything.” He pulled her close and kissed her, hoping the kiss made her feel all the things he didn’t know how to say.

They’d shared so many now, but this one mattered more than all the others. Because this was the moment he knew there was no turning back, no stopping the inevitable, no protecting his heart anymore. It was hers.

Chapter Thirty-Five

Summer enjoyed the charity benefit more than she expected. She’d been to so many over the years, but that had been at her mother’s or grandfather’s bidding. Always for show. Always to talk business. And sometimes to get through her mother’s awkward fix-ups.

This time, however, she was simply here to enjoy the time with her family.

And the big bonus: being with Cody.

Something changed after they spoke to her friend Miles. She didn’t know exactly what, but it was as if Cody let down all the walls. He seemed more relaxed and... just himself.

She liked it. A lot. It allowed her to rest easy in the fact they were together and all was right.

At least right now. Summer grinned at him as he caught her eye while dancing with Natalie.

Her sister had to be in heaven.

Summer knew, because that’s how she felt when they’d danced together.

Natalie continued to be a concern. Yes, they’d gotten closer, but it felt like Cody was a barrier to them truly being friends.

Summer hoped that one day soon Natalie would realize that hercrush would not be reciprocated. It would be a hard blow, one that would take time to heal. But that would open the door for Natalie to find someone who felt about her the way she felt about them. And she was going away to college, where she’d have the chance to meet so many different people.

“May I have this dance?”

Summer’s heart swelled. She took her dad’s hand, stood, and walked to the dance floor with him. She glanced back to the table and found Miranda smiling at them.

It felt so good and so right to step into his embrace and sway to the music.

She looked up at him. “You and Miranda make such a lovely couple. It’s so easy to see why you two have been married so long.”

“There’s a lot of love. I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed having you here these last two weeks.”

Her heart burst with joy. “I feel the same way.”

“I’m really starting to feel like I know you. Having you at the house, meeting you for our lunches, seeing you at dinner... it’s starting to feel like you’ve always been here. But I haven’t forgotten what your mother cost us.”

