Page 64 of Sinister Vows

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Living simply because you chose to, but not for anyone else in the world, was so invigorating. No one aside from those onboard mattered. They merely didn’t exist.

I laid out on the sun deck on the bow of the yacht and let the wind cool my sun-kissed skin as I fantasized about my sexy as-sin husband. He mattered, there was no way to deny that now.

Nico had been the picture of marital perfection since we stepped on board, and I fought the urge to start anticipating the fallout of all the happiness I was feeling. I hadn’t been afforded such pleasant things in life before, so I continuously feared it would all come to a screeching halt at any point.

“Arianna,” Cher called from the edge of the lounge cushions that covered the large deck and I opened my eyes and sat up to give her my attention. “We’re going to be docking in Ibiza in an hour or so.”

I looked out over the port side of the boat and sure enough, land decorated the horizon.

“Already?” I let the word slip before I offered her an apologetic smile and nodded, “Thank you. Are there any plans for when we dock?”

“Mr. Capasso has arranged for the two of you to depart the ship for the afternoon. He has dinner and an evening out planned.”

I nodded, accepting the news with both trepidation and excitement, “Thank you, Cher. I suppose I shall go find my husband and ask him for more details.”

“He was in the office the last time I saw him.” She left and I laid back on the lounger, eyeing the impending port getting nearer with each minute that passed.

I’d never traveled much outside of a few trips around Italy or the UK with my parents when it suited them, and I admit the idea of exploring Ibiza excited me. Doing it with Nico excited me even more.

I just wasn’t ready to let anyone else into our small bubble of quiet and peacefulness.

But it seemed I wasn’t given a choice, so I forced my feet over the edge of the seat, wrapping my sarong around my waist before heading down to the stupidly large office Nicolas had outfitted for himself on board. One of his added ways to avoid having room for extra cabins.

Which was fine with me.

Molly, Saul, and Dio were on board with us, along with the other staff that worked the ship exclusively. I was more than happy to have their company, I didn’t need anyone else’s.

I shook the gloom from my shoulders as I got to the office door, knocking gently before opening the door.

Nicolas looked up from his computer screen and leaned back in his chair as I walked in. Even with all of the time we spent together the last few days, I was nervous about entering his space and interrupting him. I knew as his wife I was allowed near him, yet he was still such a paradox to me.

“The sun is being kind to your young skin,” He said in place of a greeting, and I cocked my head as I neared him. When he made comments like that or called me Little One,I remembered the large age gap between us. Short of the smattering of grey hairs on his temples, he didn’t act like a man in his late thirties. Nor did he act young though, he defied labels completely.

“I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean.”

“It means the bronze color covering your body makes me ache to see where the lighter-colored skin lies underneath your small bikini.”

“Who said I had any tan lines?” I challenged and his eyes darkened.

“Are you trying to bait me into thinking you’ve been lying aboard the bow of my ship naked?”

“Does the idea of that do something to you?”

“It does.” He reached forward and pulled me into him, placing me on the desk in front of him and setting my feet on the seat of his chair. “It does bad things to me.”


“If you were naked for the twenty-seven crew members on board to see, I’d have to kill every single one of them. No questions asked. And then our honeymoon would be over.”

“What if I told you that I wanted to be naked in front of them?” I bit my bottom lip to sell it, and his eyes dropped to it expectantly. “Or at least a few of them.”

“Why would you want that?”

I leaned forward until we were face to face. “Because the idea of you fucking me with an audience,excitesme.”

His nostrils flared and he pressed his palm against the front of my throat as he stood to his full height, dominating me with his strength and power. “You want someone to watch you get fucked?”

I shrugged my shoulders, feigning indifference. “Maybe.”
