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It was a place filled with despair, darkness, and secrets. This was the home of creatures that had been forgotten by time.

Light rarely reached this place, and when it did, the ground itself seemed to shrink away from it.

The sky let out a low rumble that echoed through my chest. It was difficult to breathe and my chest struggled to draw in air. My anchor burned on my wrist, keeping my spirit attached to my body as invisible forces plucked at my skin.

It was hard not to notice the golden shimmers of light that flickered off my arms and cheeks.

I knew that was my spirit peeking through, and if it hadn’t been for my anchor, I wouldn’t be alive right now.

The disturbing thought didn’t help the pitch of my stomach as Solstice went left, avoiding a pillar of darkness that seemed to reach out for us like a clawed hand.

This place is freaky, I thought.

Solstice’s agreement filled my mind.

The moment we secured the Lost Dragon Queen, we were getting out of here.

With Vern, too, I added, not knowing how we were going to do it, but we had to.

There wasn’t a choice.

“The pull’s stronger now,” I said aloud, sending my message to both Killian and Solstice.

A dense gathering of black clouds blocked off the horizon. Solstice didn’t hesitate. She flew right through it.

A fine mist chilled me to the bone as we entered the rain cloud.

A sense of dread was my only warning that we were no longer alone.

The sky lit up with a dazzling blue light, making Solstice lurch to the side. I held onto her out of reflex, squeezing my legs to keep myself from falling.

Another deep rumble filled the air and I realized that sound hadn’t been the groan of this realm.

“Wild Dragons!” I yelled just as two of the creatures appeared through the mist.

Their souls swarmed around them like bees, somehow remaining linked to their bodies out of sheer force of will.

I wasn’t sure if that was an innate dragon’s ability, or something to do with their corrupted condition.

It was a question I couldn’t muse over for very long.

All I could see was the flash of teeth and claws before another burst of blue fire threatened to consume me whole.

I sent a frantic vision to Solstice. Her instinct was taking us down.

But we needed to go up.

The air was thinner up there, meaning fire couldn’t reach.

We didn’t need to win.

We just needed to reach the Lost Dragon Queen first.

“They’re circling, looking for her,” I said as my heart dropped when they followed us from below.

They’d follow us right to her!

The heat of blue, corrupted flames warmed Solstice’s underbelly against the chill of this realm.

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