Page 69 of Unsteady

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I can’t tell if anyone is talking anymore, or if they’re even still standing there. Being outside is wrong. I need to get inside—into my nest. Now.

“Oh my Gods, Espy.” Mackenzie’s voice somehow makes it through the fog, and my eyes lock on her wide, panicked pupils. “I think you’re going into heat ...”

Fear like I’ve never known before spears through me, and my legs go numb and shaky.

This can’t be happening. Not now. Notever. I’ve been fighting against this very thing for years. It’s not safe. I don’t have a pack. I don’t have a nest. I don’t even have a real bed, nor a room with actual walls. I’ve been given zero information about what going into heat actually entails. And here I am, outside, surrounded by alphas and with countless strangers just a few feet away.

Before I can even blink, my thoughts are shattered by a piercing wail that breaks out across the space. A siren.

The fucking emergency alert sirens!

Not a single thought enters my head. I don’t make a conscious choice to move, but somehow, I get to my feet. Somehow I’m running, and it’s dark. It’s cold. I’m not safe.

I’m in heat.

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