Page 58 of Unsteady

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A little birdie named Leo let slip that her birthday is coming up in early December, so maybe I’ll ask my sisters to take me shopping to pick out something for Espy when I’m home.

“Hey.” I smile back at her, leaning forward to steal a small hug.

“When you told me you had something to give me before you left, I didn’t think you meant pepper spray,” she jokes, holding the package to her chest and laughing.

“You know how to use it?” Cabe asks.

“Is there a wrong way to spray an aerosol can?” she sasses, and I snicker.

Cabe pouts down at her. “They trained us with these for a good twenty minutes. At least let me give you the two-minute version.”

Espy nods, and I wait as she dutifully watches him show her the proper hand and finger placement, body positioning, and the dos and don’ts of how to escape after using it. When she successfully parrots the techniques back to him, I decide it’s time for my gift.

“As important as the pepper spray is, I actually dragged you out for a different reason. Here,” I say, handing over the thin box I wrapped the comic in.

I hold my breath as she opens it, my eyes glued to her face so I can catch her reaction.

“Oh my goodness!” she squeals, looking up at me briefly before turning back to the book in her hands. “When did you put this all together?”

“This past week,” I explain. “I wanted to surprise you with it. How’d I do?”

“It’s amazing,” she coos, flipping through the pages. “This is so exciting for you, Micah. Are you gonna sell it?”

“Don’t you mean exciting forus?” I counter, gently shutting the book and pointing to where both our names appear on the cover.

“Oh,” she breathes out, looking genuinely stunned. “You put my name on it?”

“Espy, you did all the illustrations,” Mason reminds her. “Of course your name is on it.”

“In fact,” Cabe jumps in, “you did by far the hardest part. If I were you, I’d hire a lawyer to make sure you lock down seventy percent of the royalties. I’ll ask my brother to draw something up while we’re home.”

“Smart-ass.” I shove him, rolling my eyes. Truth is, I’d be more than happy with that little arrangement. Having a legally agreed partnership? Dream come true.

“I don’t want money,” she giggles, turning back to the book. “This is just so cool. Thank you so much for showing it to me.”

I put my hands up as she tries to hand it back, shaking my head. “Nuh-uh. That copy’s all yours, Esps. Your job is to show it off this week, start doing some guerilla marketing. Are any of Mackenzie’s relatives in the publishing business?”

“I guess I’ll find out,” she replies, looking momentarily sad before the expression passes. “Are you guys going to be okay with driving in the snow?”

It snowed a bit last night, but nothing Cabe’s car can’t handle.

“We’ve got it, babe,” Cabe asserts, and I scan Espy’s face to see what her reaction is to the little endearment he let slip. That might be a bit of a blush I see, but it could also be the cold.

A few more seconds of pleasantries and we collectively run out of excuses to prolong this visit. I linger when I hug her goodbye, making sure to steal a heavy hit of her sweet rose scent before pulling away. When I watch Mason take his turn, I swear he scent-marks her neck.Sneaky bastard.The mood in the car is definitely glum as we pile back in and pull away.

Once we’re off campus and on the main road, I take out my phone, lean forward, and give a sad look at the camera as I snap a selfie of our pack. My dad may not approve, but I’m pretty sure patience coupled with persistence is all I’m capable of at this point.

Having no fun without you, I type, attaching the photo and sending it to Espy.

She sends back a hugging emoji, and I sigh and put my phone away.

This week is gonna be torture.

* * *

“Hey, Mom!”I call out as Mason and I walk into our parents’ home several hours later. As much as I can’t help but to be a melodramatic, lovesick fool, there’s no denying itisnice to be home.

“What am I, chopped liver?” my dad asks, walking into the entranceway to hug us and help with our bags.

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