Page 31 of Unsteady

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“We haven’t exactly gotten that far,” Micah admits, not quite meeting my eye.

I try to ignore the little stab of satisfaction that hits me at the knowledge that he doesn’t have an omega that he’s serious about right now.

Not your business, Espy.

* * *

After the tourwe get to work. Micah pulls out boxes and boxes and boxes of comic books he’s collected over the years. Some look decades-old. We go through them together and discuss the different styles, and he shows me some of his favorite characters and the artists who drew them. My brain is overflowing with ideas, and the afternoon goes by in a flash.

Micah’s watching me sketch out a new version of one of his supporting characters when I see his phone ringing. He ignores it, but when it rings again, I give him a look.

“Aren’t you going to get that?”

“Get what?”

“Your phone.” I gesture with my head to where the thing is lit up and vibrating on the seat next to him. By this point I’m spread out on the floor, using the coffee table as a drawing surface while Micah observes from his higher vantage point on the couch.

“Oh,” he says, looking surprised to see his phone ringing. He picks it up. “Hey, man.”

I can only hear one side of the conversation, but Micah seems annoyed.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize what time it was. Don’t you have errands you can run?” He pauses. “Yeah, she’s still here. Everything’s good. We’re just working.” He stands up and walks toward the kitchen, giving me a quick glance. “I know, I know. Can’t you just grab food from the cafeteria? Mason will be done with practice soon—he can join you.”

He’s protecting me, I realize, instantly feeling bad. He must be talking to Cabe, who’s clearly checking to see if it’s safe to come home. I look at my own phone and see it’s nearly 7 p.m. No wonder he’s calling—I’ve been here for nearly four hours now.

Once again I’ve managed to evict a man from his own home because of my fears.

“Micah, hey.” I stand up, waving to get his attention. “Don’t keep Cabe away on my account. I should probably be heading back anyway. I need to grab some dinner and get out of your hair.”

“No, don’t go.” He pouts, tucking the phone against his chest to muffle the receiver. “Can’t I keep him away onmyaccount? The guy smells after practice. It’s self-preservation.”

I grin.

“This ishishome. I don’t want to be a nuisance. Plus, I’m hungry,” I cajole.

If I’ve learned anything this past month, it’s that no one can stand the thought of a hungry omega. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for all the men in my life.

On cue, Micah’s eyes widen. “You’re hungry? Shit! I never got out the snacks we made.”

I hear a noise come from the phone, and Micah puts it back to his ear with a wince. “Dude, I’m sorry! I forgot! I’ll take her to get food right now. You can beat me up later.”

Like I said, it’s a trump card every time. But I don’t want to put him out.

“Micah, no. It’s okay. It’s freezing outside—you don’t need to come with me. Let me just call Em to see if he’s done with practice, and he can walk me back.”

“He’ll still be at practice for another thirty minutes.” Micah waves me off. “Hold on,” he hisses into the phone, taking it away from his ear again. “Espy.”

“Micah ...” I say back, cocking my head at him.

“Can I propose something that you can absolutely say no to?”

I gulp. Why does that sound so ominous? “Sure.”

“You were totally in the zone there with that character. What do you say to letting Cabe come back here and AFTER he showers,”—Micah gives me a smirk—“we’ll have him make dinner for us. I promise he’ll stay in the kitchen and won’t come near you. We were already planning to have a taco feast, so there’s more than enough food for you to join us. And I’d never say this to his face or anything, but Cabe’s, like, a pretty awesome cook—”

“Why wouldn’t you say that to his face?” I interrupt, frowning.

“Because it’s dangerous to stroke an alpha’s ego.” He winks at me. “You can totally, absolutely, one hundred percent say no. I don’t want to pressure you! But I like spending time with you, and I feel bad that I forgot to give you the snacks Cabe prepared last night, and—”

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