Page 29 of Unsteady

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I meet him twice in as many days, and each time we spend hours poring over his comics as I outline more characters and scenes. I recruit Tanner as my escort to help me feel safe getting there, but as soon as I’m with Micah my inhibitions seem to melt away. I even let him walk me back to Em’s dorm the second time, when we somehow stayed so late at the cafeteria the place shut down around us.

I haven’t seen him in a few days since he had midterms, and I already feel like I miss him. Something about his kindness and sense of humor are addicting, and I always find myself wanting more. Maybe it’s because I was kept isolated for so long, or maybe it’s just Micah. Either way, I decide not to examine things too closely.

He had his last exam yesterday, so we planned to meet up again this afternoon to pick back up where we left off.

Only, an hour ago Micah texted me to ask if I’d be up to hang out at his place instead of the cafeteria this time. He said he wanted to show me more of his comics and some of his favorites from other authors. He promised snacks, “the comfiest couch you’ve ever sat on,” and an alpha-free house.

The idea of being somewhere unknown, without the protection of being in public view, has my anxiety skyrocketing. Yet here I am, outside the front door of the address he gave me.

The university-sponsored pack houses sit in a neighborhood of sorts and are further away from main campus than the other student dorms. The buildings are compact, but not tiny, and though most have the same basic layout, from what I can see, there do seem to be homey touches here and there that help the different units stand apart.

I almost wasn’t able to make it into the neighborhood, with the smell of alphas hanging heavy in the air here. It didn’t occur to me before setting out that I’d be walking into a part of campus with the heaviest concentration of alphas. Now I’m here, all I want is to get inside so I won’t be so vulnerable and exposed.

“Hey, pretty girl!” Micah chirps as the door swings open. His face falls when he catches sight of my panic. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“Inside,” I manage to squeak, pushing past him to get in. I’ve gotten semi-used to the scents of Micah’s packmates from being around him, so my anxiety immediately lessens when I’m inside despite the wall of lime, tonic, juniper, and sawdust I walk into.

I take a few deep breaths to ground myself, squeezing my eyes shut as I hug my arms around my stomach to quell my sudden trembling. I must look like an insane person, but I just need a few seconds to calm down.

“Espy, did something happen?” Micah’s voice is soft and concerned, and I feel him walk over and kneel down in front of me.

“No, I’m okay,” I assure him, my eyes still firmly shut. “There were just all these alpha scents out there. I mean, obviously,” I laugh awkwardly. “This is where all the packs live. I didn’t make the connection before coming over, so it took me by surprise.”

“Shit, I’m so sorry! I didn’t think of that either. Where’s Tanner?”

“He had something come up, and I figured I’d be fine to come alone.” I shrug, finally opening my eyes. Micah looks super worried, which oddly makes me relax more. “I’m really fine, I promise. I just need a minute.”

“Okay. Of course. Take all the time you need. Oh!”

“What?” I ask, bemused, as I watch him jump to his feet and walk away.

“I have an idea. One sec!”

He’s back before I can truly wonder what he’s up to, holding a bundle of material in his arms.

“Here—can I try this?” As he approaches, he holds out the material in front of him, and I see he’s carrying a blanket. I’m not entirely sure what he intends to do with it. Maybe he’s going to bundle me up like Mackenzie did.

I nod.

Instead of swaddling me, Micah gently arranges the blanket around my shoulders, careful not to touch me. I’m instantly covered in a heady dose of his scent. This must be one of his own blankets, judging by how deeply the material is saturated in his nutmeg-and-coffee pheromones. It’s incredibly soothing, and I find myself turning to nuzzle my face against the soft fabric covering my shoulder. My trembling subsides in seconds, and then I’m clear-headed enough for the embarrassment to set in.

“Thank you.” I blush, gripping the blanket in my hands to tug it more securely against myself. “Apparently, blankets are like catnip for omegas.”

“Of course, Espy. Are you sure you’re okay?”

I let him lead me over to the couch, where he hovers over me anxiously. I can see his hands twitching, and when I give him a questioning look he lets out a self-conscious laugh.

“Sorry, it’s instinct. Or something like that. I have the strongest urge to just tuck you in even tighter, surround you with couch cushions, that sort of thing.”

“Oh.” I look away. That sounds really nice, but also really strange.

“Yeah.” He blushes. “Must be an omega-triggered thing. Maybe spending so much time with Mason and Cabe has made their alpha instincts rub off on me.”

He looks adorable when he’s uncomfortable, and I can just about make out a few freckles along the bridge of his nose.

“Let me get you some water.”

While he walks off to the kitchen, I finally take the chance to look around. I’m in a decent-size living room, and back behind me Micah’s in a nice open kitchen with a dining table tucked against the farthest wall. There’s a small hallway leading off to one side, as well as a staircase leading to the second level.

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