Page 28 of Unsteady

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I laugh. “I’ve seen your drawings, remember? Are you sure it wasn’t the four-to-six-year-old division?”

“Wooowwwwwww. Okay. So you’re mean,” he teases. “Is that where you’ve been all week—working out ways to insult my perfectly average artistic ability?”

Oh great, he noticed. Had he been looking for me? What do I say?


“Well, I guess I have to forgive you if allthisis the result. In fact, I’llhelpyou come up with more insults if you’ll keep drawing these. Mason and Cabe have some great ones. I think you’ll be impressed.”

Right. His packmates. Alphas. One of the reasons I’m so nervous at the idea of being around Micah.

“How long have you been a pack?”

“Since forever, basically. I was always a clingy younger brother. I guess they eventually gave up trying to ditch me.”

“So it’s Stockholm syndrome?”

“A very effective, underrated strategy,” Micah chuckles. “Actually, that’s Mason’s area. He’s super into all that pack formation stuff.”

“Oh wow, really? Sounds cool,” I muse. “So he’s into science, and you’re into ... comics? Creative writing?”

“Eh, the comics are just a hobby. My newfavoritehobby,” he emphasizes. On cue, I blush, not even knowing if I’m reading more in his words than I should be. “I’m a computer programming major. And I might as well fess up and admit I’m into video gaming too. Don’t let my packmates fool you. They may be semi-talented at sports ball and getting from point A to point B super-fast, but I’m the one with the most trophies.”

I love Micah’s playful cockiness. There’s something about the beta that just pulls me in. As if he’s the Energizer Bunny and when I’m around him I get a contact high.

“Very impressive,” I coo with mock sincerity.

“Damn straight. So, what’s it gonna take to get you to keep working with me on this? Name your price, pretty girl.”

“Ummm. Well ...” I pause, mouth going suddenly dry. I dig my fingernails into my palm, hoping the pain might shake my brain free from the instinctual fear that grips it.

“We can meet in the cafeteria again if that feels most comfortable. You can even bring that scary alpha with you—the mean, growly one. Hell, bring your brother’s whole pack. Whatever you need to feel safe. Just please don’t leave me hanging.”

He sounds so earnest I don’t want to let him down.





“Micah!” I groan, playfully.

“All right, all right,” he laughs. “I’m just excited. Tomorrow? My last class ends at three.”

“Deal,” I agree.

“Awesome. See you soon, pretty girl.”



Spending time with Micah feels like taking a shot of espresso.

Or so I assume. I never had the chance to develop a taste for coffee.

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