Page 15 of Unsteady

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“Espy, hey, it’s okay.” Em comes over and wraps me up in a big hug, lifting my feet off the ground like he’s always done once he hit his growth spurt. “They’re both super nice, and no one is judging you. Plus, I kinda wanted an excuse to hang out with Mackenzie, so, honestly, you’re doing me a huge favor here.” He blushes.

“Mackenzie?” I grin up at him as my nerves abate somewhat, still smooshed against his chest. “Does my big brother have a crush?”

“Espy, come on.No te dices nada. I swear you’ll be sorry if you embarrass me in front of—”

“In front of who—your girlfriend?” I tease, then I shriek as his hands dig into sides and move across my ribs like a master pianist. He knows all my worst ticklish spots; I should have been more careful before opening my mouth.

“Em, stop! No,déjame, please!” I’m breathless and giggling.

Luckily, I’m saved by a knock at the door, and I take the opportunity to scramble away, sticking my tongue out as I go. Em’s love life was a nice momentary distraction, but now I’m faced with two alphas entering my space, and I can feel my heart rate ticking back up.

Em greets them at the door, and I give a small wave but otherwise keep my distance as both guys settle in and grab some pizza. I forgot for a moment that this is Tanner’s home and technically I’m the interloper in this space. Lincoln, too, is clearly very comfortable here. My eyes track him as he moves to the couch, his large form sinking easily into the cushions.

I don’t remember much from when he found me at my father’s house—a side effect of the drug, I’m told—but I remember enough to feel mortified. Logically, I’m sure Lincoln couldn’t care less about the state he found me in and was probably just concerned with making sure I was safe. Emotionally, however, I’m still an eighteen-year-old girl, and it’s humiliating to know that this super-hot guy saw me dirty, bloodied, and in my underwear. When I mentioned this to Dr. Morgan, she said she wasn’t surprised my mind was fixating on something so inconsequential. It’s my brain’s way of protecting itself, apparently, choosing something unimportant to obsess over as a way to block out all the other shit.

Personally, I blame it on hormones and Lincoln’s insane level of hotness. Trau-mayto, Trau-mahto ...

The guys give me plenty of space. I’m reminded of when I used to visit my friend Mary’s house in elementary school. Her family had a cat that was always running away from me despite my dutiful efforts to be its best friend. Mary’s mom taught me you had to studiously ignore cats until they felt comfortable enough to let their guard down and come to you. In this scenario, I am the cat, and surprisingly, the metaphor helps me to calm down. I eventually earned my cuddles with the skittish feline, so presumably there was hope for this situation as well.

I manage to settle in on the battered love seat, relaxed enough to put away a slice of pizza and listen to them chat. Maybe this won’t be so bad.

“Knock, knock!”

My gaze swivels back to the front door, and I just barely manage to avoid choking on a piece of crust.

Both the women who just entered are gorgeous, but one in particular is absolutely stunning. And very clearly an omega. I don’t know why I’m so shocked. I’ve seen omegas on TV of course, and in newspapers and magazines. There was even an art instructor in the next town over that I knew from rumor was an omega, but I only ever saw her from a distance. Never before have I been so close to another person of my designation. Not to mention an omega my own age.

Em is like an overeager puppy as he rushes over to greet the women with a giant grin on his face.

“Hi, I’m Mackenzie!” the omega introduces herself with a warm smile and an outstretched hand. She’s tiny, like some sort of fun-size Southern belle Barbie doll, with gorgeous straight blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She smells like peaches and sugar, and I don’t hate it.

“Es-Esperanza,” I reply, cringing as I stumble over my own name. So much for not coming across like the country bumpkin I clearly am.

“Leo’s told me so much about you! This is Silver,” she adds, gesturing to the woman beside her.

“Silver?” I quirk an eyebrow, taking in the beta’s bright—and entirely blue—outfit. “Don’t hear that every day.” Or maybe you do in a city. What the hell do I know?

“My parents own a jewelry business. I have a sister named Gold.” She shrugs, offering me a wry grin.

“Yeah, but you like to rebel, don’t you?” Mackenzie pipes up, laughing. “You’ll see—she likes to embody a different jewel tone every day.”

“Today is blue sapphire,” Silver adds as she gives a little twirl in place. “Can’t let my name put me in a box.”

“What was that green one you were wearing last week?” Tanner asks, shuffling over to join our conversation while still giving me a healthy amount of space. “You blended a few different shades together, almost like stripes.”

“A man who pays attention to my outfits! Aren’t you a dream?” she teases him. I catch a blush on his cheeks and smile, not used to seeing a big alpha looking bashful. “That was malachite. You liked?”

“It was pretty,” he agrees.

“Yes, yes, Silver is very fashionable,” Em says, coming and herding the group of us over to the pizzas. “Now grab some food so we can start a movie. Lincoln’s bedtime is nine thirty.”

Everyone laughs while Lincoln scowls from his place on the couch and flips his middle finger at his packmate. I feel a bit of my anxiety uncoiling from my stomach and grab a few more slices of pizza before settling back down in the love seat.

* * *

We makeit throughShe’s the Manand manage to polish off most of the pizzas. Soon Em, Tanner, and Silver are battling it out onMario Kartwhile Lincoln tries to backseat drive. It’s clear Em and Silver are chaotic players, neither are paying any attention to the strategy that Lincoln is trying to impart. Much to the alpha’s chagrin.

Meanwhile, Mackenzie and I move over to the small kitchen table, where we share the brownies she snuck in.

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