Page 85 of Dirty Truths

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I see the world through a different lens now.

The only constant in my life outside of my father is Wendy. She helped raise him, so she’s older, and she runs the house perfectly. She’s not soft in any sense of the word. No one could be soft and survive my father.

But she has a soft spot for the both of us.

Sienna, on the other hand, clearly prefers me over him.

I avoid her gaze, knowing that giving me too much attention will cost her this job, and because, as beautiful as she is, she doesn’t hold a candle to Catherine.

“Not yet. I haven’t had the chance,” I reply.

My father cuts into his steak and holds his fork aloft. “Get it done soon. Dean is going to put the plan in motion next week, and you don’t want to be anywhere near that apartment when that happens. There can be no trace of our family’s involvement in this.”

My heart rate skyrockets, and I put my hands on my knees to keep my father from seeing the way they tremble. “What is the plan?”

He shakes his head as he chews. “It’s better that you don’t know. Since you were his roommate, we need to keep you as far removed from this as possible so there’s no inkling of your involvement.”

I grip my knife and saw through my steak, avoiding his gaze. “The point is to go after his father,” I remind him.

“I know what the fucking point is!” His shout startles me, and I drop my knife to my plate with a clang. “I don’t need the reminder!”

“I just want to make sure innocent people aren’t hurt,” I say, keeping my voice even. “His father is the one who should pay.”

He laughs. “Not a single James is innocent, and you’ll do well to remember that.”

“Dad, by that logic, I’m guilty of your sins.”

“You are,” he says, wiping his face with his napkin, his eyes never leaving mine. “You’re as entangled as I am. We’re in this together.”

My conscience screams at me to beg him to stop. To do anything but sit here and let him destroy the family of the woman I love. But I keep my mouth shut. To him, my silence is acquiescence, so he places his napkin on his lap and takes a sip of his whiskey. “I’m thinking London for Christmas to see your brothers.”




Cynthia studies the computer screen, her eyes roving over the proposal for what feels like hours. I peek at Sophie, and she gives me a shrug, just as anxious for our boss’s opinion as I am.

The air is filled with possibility. Like it has been for the last two months. Ever since I moved back to New England. Jay, this job, school. There is so much potential on the horizon. I’ve woken up in Jay’s arms every day for the last two weeks. The ball is in two days. And I think I have everything covered.

We’ve gone over every detail ad nauseum every night over dinner. He’s unperturbed by my constant chatter about it and my nervousness. He’s patiently gone over it all with me. The drinks, the linens, where the photographers will stand, the lighting, the flowers, the candles, the food.

Over the weekend, he surprised me with a trip to New York, where we shopped for my dress for the ball and matching masquerade masks. My dress is a deep royal blue with black lace on the bodice. I wasn’t sold on the idea of matching attire until he convinced me that since we’re running the event together, we should coordinate. Although it makes sense, a small part of me worries that it’ll lead to questions. But mostly, I’m happy. Jay is happy. And everything else fades to the back.

“Hmm.” Cynthia snaps her fingers, and Rose moves from her spot in the corner to peer over Cynthia’s shoulder. “This. I like this,” she says.

Which one?

Rose takes notes on her pad and brings her attention back to the screen.

“And this. I like this.A lot.”

“Yes, it’s amazing,” Rose parrots. She glances in our direction, her normal smugness transformed. For the first time, I see…admiration, I think…in her eyes. “Really amazing,” she remarks, her focus solely on me.

My heart flutters, and I squeeze Sophie’s hand.

“And what is your plan with this?” Cynthia asks as she sets her glasses on the desk in front of her and grants us her full attention.

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