Page 54 of Dirty Truths

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My phone lights up in my hand.

Jay: Send me the name of the club. I tried the place Sophie mentioned, but I think she gave me the wrong name.

My chest tightens. Do I really want to see him tonight?

Before I can chicken out, I gulp down my drink, close my eyes, and send him a pin of my location.

Jay’s response is immediate.

Jay: You’re really at Rebel? You’re not just fucking with me?

I laugh uncomfortably and wave my phone in front of Sophie. “Why does he think I’m fucking with him?”

Sophie’s legs are draped across Dexter’s lap, and he has one arm around her as he speaks to the guy beside him. She shrugs and taps him on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear. When he responds, Sophie’s entire body tenses. “Seriously?” she shouts so loud I can hear her over the music.

Dexter eyes me and then looks back at Sophie with a devilish grin before whispering in her ear again.

“What?” I finally shout, moving closer so I can find out what the actual fuck is going on.

Sophie sighs and glares at Dexter again. She hands me back my phone, and before she can fill me in, another text from Jay pops up.

Jay: Cat, are you seriously at a fucking sex club?

I frown in confusion, then burst out laughing. “Oh, this is too good!” I shout as I turn the phone to Sophie, still laughing. What an absolute idiot.

Sophie bites her lip. “Upstairs,” she says, pointing to the open area above our heads. The entire space is bordered with balconies and windows.

“Upstairs, what?” I hiss, my nerves getting the best of me.

“People are”—she pauses, her eyes widening comically, and points up again—“up there.”

“People are what up there, Soph? Use your words.”

She chews on her lip and cringes.

“People are fornicating upstairs?” I ask in exasperation.

Dexter bursts out laughing. “Fornicating?”

“You, be quiet.” Sophie smacks him.

He bites at her shoulder and grins wickedly before whispering in her ear again. This time, goose bumps pebble her arms.

I scrub my hand over my face. “I hate you both. You invited Jay. To asex club. He probably thinks you did it for me. That I want to—” I bite my thumb as I scream into my hand. “Fuck!”

Another text comes through.

Jay: Cat, answer me!

Oh, screw him.




I’m going to kill her. She is not seriously inside this place. Hands fisted at my sides, I glare at the entrance to the club. From out here on the sidewalk, the building blends in with the other brick structures surrounding it, but I know this place. I’vebeento this place. With the guys. I didn’t recognize the name until I was standing out front.

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