Page 53 of Dirty Truths

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Cat folds her arms and sits back, glowering at us both.

“Aw, Kitten. Don’t be so upset. Now I’ll leave you and your date alone to enjoy lunch. I have to go get cleaned up and get some rest before our big night.”

She shakes her head as I smile at her and stand.

“Sophie, it was lovely meeting you. Kitten, I’ll seeyoulater.” I wink and turn before she can reply.

I’ve got my in. Now I just have to figure out what I’m going to do with it.




Why, why, why, Sophie?

And why does Jay care where we’re going, anyway? I don’t hear from him for a week, then he summons me to a restaurant, only to stand me up. Except he actually was there. Just what, avoiding me? Watching me? Until he realized I wasn’t alone. Then he plops down and butts into our conversation and freaking invites himself out with us tonight.

All while soaking wet, of course, which was the only bright spot of our interaction. When he pushed himself into the server and the sodas and wines toppled over in what felt like slow motion and landed spectacularly all over his pants, I felt nothing but pure joy.

It was perfect.

And so deserved.

“I swear, Soph. If he shows up with a date—or two, since that’s clearly his MO—I’m going to murder you.” I give the universal sign for slicing her throat.

The traitor just smiles serenely. “I thought he was rather charming.”

“A snake can be charming as it slithers up to you, but it’s still a snake.”

Glaring at her in the mirror, I apply my lipstick. Red. Not kissable.

“Why are you so mad at him, anyway?” she asks. “You were all ‘oh, I understand where he’s coming from’ on Monday.”

“That was before he stood me up at lunch. If he had been an adult and just shown up, or ya know, if he hadn’t arranged the entire thing to begin with, I would understand. But this is a game. If he thinks he’s going to get in my pants and then walk away, he has another thing coming. I was interested in him. Not his cock.”

She arches a brow. “You sure about that?”

“Shut it.” I storm to the couch to the tinkling sound of her laughter. “Come on, let’s get this night over with.”

* * *

Two hours later,after a ride in a cab that smelled like takeout, standing in line, and fighting for drinks at the bar, we’re settled at a table in a corner of the room, sipping our cocktails and relaxing. Who am I kidding? Relaxation is a fantasy right now. Because Jay could show up at any minute.

Or worse, he could not show up at all.

It would have been better if he hadn’t materialized at all today. But now he’s got my mind all jumbled as to what it wants. As to whatIwant.

Sophie’s eyes dance as she gives me a once-over for what’s got to be the tenth time since we got here. “He’s going to shit himself when he sees you.”

Damn right. I paired a black skater skirt with a white T-shirt that exposes my stomach. I’m wearing black suspenders and a garter belt attached to black thigh-high stockings with a beautiful lace design at the top. A pair of killer knee-high black boots with the classic red sole complete the outfit. I feel like I could chew him up and spit him out. And I’m not going to lie, the idea of walking over him in these heels is far too tempting.

But none of it matters if he doesn’t show up.

The cherry on top, though, is the blond wig Sophie had Dexter bring home from one of his photo shoots. It’s giving me a bit of a Heather Locklear vibe, especially paired with this absurd outfit.

Eh, who am I kidding? I look fucking hot.

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