Page 40 of Dirty Truths

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“So testy this morning,” she teases. “Is someone missing his play toy?”

I pinch the bridge of my nose, trying to keep myself from shouting at her in the middle of my café. Maybe Iwillsell this place after all.

“Mia,” I warn.

She lifts her chin, eyeing me defiantly. “You’re not good enough for her. And I told you how I felt about her.How could you?”

I scrub my hands through my hair. “I didn’tdoanything.”

“You haven’t been pursuing her, despite knowing how I feel?” she asks in a softer voice, her expression almost vulnerable and so unlike the feisty woman who struts around like she doesn’t have a care in the world.

I motion toward a table, and she flags down the other barista on the schedule today. Once the register is covered, she plops down across from where I remain standing.

“Where is she?” I ask again, forcing my voice to remain even.

Mia rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. “She hasn’t been back to the apartment since Friday. I have no idea where she is. And whatever’s going on obviously involves you because she texted me yesterday to tell me she quit. What did you do?”

I grip the back of the chair before finally taking a seat, feeling restless. “Mia,” I urge, dropping my forearms to the tabletop. “I care about her.”

“You don’t care about anyone,” she snaps, biting her quivering lip like she’s trying to hide her trepidation. I fucking hate that we’re both interested in the same woman, but while Mia isn’t any good for her, I could be.

IfI haven’t already fucked everything up.

“I’ll tell her who you really are,” she threatens, her eyes narrowing to slits.

With a deep breath, I keep my temper in check. As usual, when it comes to conversations with this woman, my patience is waning. Why did I ever think I could confide in Mia? I’d hoped money could control her mouth, but maybe I was wrong.

Darting a glance at my clenched fists, she drops her hands to the Formica tabletop and relents. “I’m sorry. I wouldn’t actually do that,” she rushes out.

I sigh. “Any idea where she could be staying?”

She shrugs. “She’s not close with her family…not that she’s ever introduced me. I think she’s embarrassed…” She trails off and looks away.

Grabbing her hand, I lean forward and duck my chin until she’s looking at me. “Be her friend, Mi. That’s what she wants from you. Be her friend.”

Her green eyes soften. “You really care about her, huh?”

I release her hand and scrub at my forehead. “Yeah, I really do.”

She doesn’t have to ask why. Mia sees Cat just as I do. But she had her chance. Now I want mine.

She sighs. “She used to talk about some apartment in Boston she’d use when she needed to get away. She said it was empty. You could try there,” she suggests. I’m on my feet before she finishes her thought. “Wait, you know where it is?” she asks, her brow furrowed.

I shrug. “Think so.”

And for the first time ever, heading toward James Headquarters sends a bolt of excitement through me.




Ileave brunch stuffed and perfectly confused. Cash gives me a hug and tells me to call him later. Being the incredible brother he is, he knows something is off. And I want to talk to him. I want to confide in him. Just not yet.

I need time to wrap my head around all things Jay first.

I walk down Commonwealth Avenue, pulling my caramel tweed coat tight around me as the wind whips my long dark hair into my face. I push my hair back and stare up at the cloudy October sky. Auburn-colored leaves swirl around my booted feet as I trudge slowly toward the penthouse.

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