Page 38 of Dirty Truths

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My stomach sinks at the thought that the words he spoke, that meant so much to me at the time, were nothing more than lines. Probably pulled from a list he kept handy for all his flirtations.

And then it twists at the image of Jay and Mia together. I can’t banish it from my mind.

He said he’s never been with her, but he’s a lying liar, so his words hold no value. He probably saw me on the train and figured he could have us both. I was an opportunity. A game. Nothing more.

I sigh in disgust, hating how I’ve given a boy the power to make me feel this way. No, not a boy; a man. A man who wears suits and smirks at me as if he knows more about me than I know about myself. As if he knows my thoughts and wants when I haven’t even figured them out. A man who promised me a movie-style kiss and then left me out in the cold, wishing for something I’d never even considered until he worked his way under my skin.

A real love story. A chance at happiness. The potential for more.

* * *

It’sa rarity for the four of us to get together anymore. While Chase is spending the weekend working on a project for school, Cash and Frank attend school close by and jumped at my Sunday brunch invite. For years, the whole family would sit down for this meal once a week. But as we’ve gotten older, it’s become more difficult to get us all in one place. My grandparents are in Nashville for the week, but Carter offered to take the train in to meet us too. And meeting two out of my three brothers plus Frank is a feat in itself. Honestly, I probably like Frank more than the rest. Except Cash. He’ll forever be my number one.

Carter has a reputation for being late, but the one time I’m counting on it, he strolls in right on time. I was hoping to get a few minutes alone with Cash. I want more information on Carter’s roommate and best friend, but I’d really like to not bring it up around Carter.

Oh well.

“How come you’re in Boston?” Carter asks as he slides into the booth next to me. Frank and Cash sit on the other side, and all eyes turn to me.

“Oh, I stayed with a friend from work,” I lie. Sophie didn’t end up going back to her house. She and Dexter spent all of Saturday in bed, and although she offered to ditch him Saturday night, I feigned a stomach bug. She deserves the joy, and I’m not ready to spill my guts to her just yet.

“If I’d known, I would have had you meet me on Friday. You should have seen this club. It was amazing.” Carter looks over at Cash and Frank. “Sucks you guys aren’t old enough. Fuck,” he gushes, “the women at this place—” He clamps his mouth shut when I glare at him.

“Can we not?” I say, scrunching my nose and studying the menu.

“Please, you know we’re all getting laid. This isn’t news,” Carter says with a smirk.

I don’t dare look up at Cash and Frank. I don’t want to think about either of them having sex. Gross.

I blow out a breath. “Just make sure you’re wearing a condom, please.”

“Okay, mother,” Carter crows.

When Cash and Frank burst into laughter, I glower at them all.

“Kit Cat, you’re in rare form today,” Cash offers quietly once he’s settled down.

“I’m fine. I just don’t want your dicks to fall off from misuse,” I offer.

Frank quirks a grin at me. “Misuse?”

“Yeah, from, like, rotten vagina,” I quip.

This time, we all burst out laughing.

I breathe deeply as the giggles wear off. “Sorry, I’m just in a weird mood.”

“Things okay with Mia?” Cash asks, likely thinking my overnight stay in Boston has to do with her.

I smile at my younger brother. “Things are fine.” Then I turn, taking the opportunity to ask what I really want to know. “Speaking of roommates, how are things with yours, Carter?”

Cash grins at the change in topic. “Yeah, how’s our competition doing?”

Carter laughs. “Only you think like that, Cash. I swear you were meant to run the business. Pa will probably skip right over the problematic man-child,” he waves a hand up and down his torso, “and hand the company to you.”

“Excuse me!” I hold my hands up and point at myself. “Am I chopped liver?”

“Please,” Frank drolls, “like you’d want anything to do with that place.”

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