Page 35 of Dirty Truths

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Now, the only thing in my head is Cat. We may not be together, but the potential makes the idea of touching anyone else almost sickening.

And thinking about her out with someone else makes me want to put my fist through a wall. So how could I do that to her?

But we’renottogether. That reminder does nothing to ease the tension pulling every one of my muscles tight. If anything, I find myself gripping my phone, searching for any reason to text her.

“Jay,” Kelly whispers in my ear, her fingers gliding up and down my leg. “Take us home.”

Carter watches me, waiting for my response.

“Doesn’t your family have an apartment here?” I say instead. I don’t know why I’m bringing up the penthouse right now.

Carter grimaces. “What?”

That’s odd.

I push. “In the James Building. Isn’t there a penthouse? Why don’t we go there?”

He clenches his jaw and shoots daggers at me, silently signaling for me to shut the fuck up. I bite back a smile. Looks like Cat was right; they really don’t use the penthouse.

“I have an early meeting. We aren’t going back to my place,” I assert, ending this conversation. “I’m going to the bar,” I announce, removing Kelly’s hand from my leg. I’ll have one more drink and then disappear while they get wasted. Then I’ll go home and text Cat. I want her to know I’m thinking about her, and hopefully she’s doing the same.




In a fit of laughter, we stumble out of the cab, Sophie’s impression of the men at the last bar leaving us both gasping for air. We booked it out of there and hopped in the first cab we saw when the guys who were buying us drinks realized Sophie was mimicking their accents, and not in a good way.

“It’s genuinely not my fault. When I’m drinking, I can’t help but adopt the accents I hear,” she defends as we walk up to the line for the next bar.

“He was from Australia! You sounded like you were from Georgia, so I kind of understand why he was upset.” I guffaw and bring a hand to my mouth to stifle my reaction.

She shakes her head. “I do an amazing Australian accent!”

She’s genuinely affronted, but she was awful, and it was absolutely hysterical.

“Whatever you say. What is this place?” I tip my head back to take in the bar’s façade. I’ve never been here.

“Oh, Dexter told me about it.”

“Daddy!” I shout as giggles explode from both of us.

“Yes, Daddy! You think he’ll be here?” she asks as she peers down the line like she’ll be able to spot him through the open door from way out here.

“Did he say he would?” I ask.

She doesn’t answer, instead giving me an almost nervous look before heading toward the door.

After a delicious dinner with her mother, where rather than feeling pangs of jealousy over their close relationship, I felt welcomed and included, Sophie and I attacked her closet in search of dresses for tonight. I only had the outfit I’d come in and a pair of sweats. I didn’t think we’d go out after dinner. And although we aren’t the same size—she has a lot more curves on top—I managed to find a dress that fit me. The black sweater dress hugs my curves in a flattering way and goes well with the boots I wore to work and the red lipstick staining my lips.

Sophie’s mother and I convinced her to leave her hair in its natural state, and she’s rocking a vibrant purple dress that looks incredible against her dark skin. We hit the front of the line, flash our IDs, and are ushered inside the club.

A red light illuminates the dance floor, where a sea of bodies move in a sensual rhythm. For the first time in I don’t know how long, I find myself staring at the way people touch, my skin heating in an unfamiliar excitement.

Maybe it’s all the talk of sex this afternoon, or the way Jay licked his lips up on the rooftop. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t been touched by another person in years. But I have to clench my legs to stave off a bolt of desire just watching people touch.

“Drink?” Sophie shouts over the music, pointing to the bar. With a nod, I follow her. She squeezes her body between people like a pro and orders drinks for us both. I see the moment she spots Dexter, and her eyes flare in excitement. Lucky for her, his reaction tells the same story. His face softens, and his smile grows as he takes her in from head to toe. At his perusal, she lights up and straightens, as if preening for his attention.

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