Page 15 of Unbroken

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“He’s a criminal, not a heart surgeon. It wasn’t like he skipped saving someone’s life to spend a few hours with me.”

“The man is a high-ranking mafioso, and I bet his calendar is jam-packed with appointments for maiming and killing. Not to mention extracting information and getting rid of bodies. All that takes time. ”

“I suppose you’re right.” I shake a bunch of red pepper flakes on my slice. “He doesn’t strike me as a hands-off manager and probably keeps himself in the trenches.”

“Did you discover anything surprising, or is he your run-of-the-mill henchman who grunts his responses?”

“He’s got a sense of humor, Stasia. I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Are we talking criminal knock-knock jokes or snappy quips about torture?”

“Banter. He’s got a great dry wit and drops funny one-liners unexpectedly.”

“That’s dangerous.” She wipes her hand on a napkin. “A massive dick loses its appeal eventually but a sense of humor,” she shakes her head, “that never does.”

“I’m going to have to take your word for it.” I sip my wine. “Yuri is a lot. Not only in size but in attitude. I got the sense that it’s his way or no way.”

“And that’s a bad thing?”

“For many women, I think the answer would be no.”

“But for you?”

“It doesn’t matter because I’m sure our encounter was a one-time thing.”

“But he offered to dig into your past. If you accept his offer, you could make it a regular thing.”

“That would just make me his pity project.” After refilling our wine glasses, I take another piece of pizza. “And as far as I know, mobsters don’t date. They have one-night stands, not take women bowling or to the movies.”

“Polina dated Pavel for a year before they got married.”

“He doesn’t have much power or rank, so he was free to marry for love. I doubt Yuri has that option since he sits at the top of the food chain. He will likely have to marry for the benefit of the brotherhood.”

“Did he tell you that? Or are you just taking the breadcrumbs your mother scattered over the years and making a loaf of bread.”

“I making a loaf of bread.”

“The road to multiple orgasms isn’t always paved in gold, so don’t close the door. For all you know, Yuri is plotting and planning your courtship as we speak.”

“The chances of that being possible are the same as discovering the Faberge egg is worth millions.”

“Never say never.”

Andneverbelieve that you are next in line for a starring role in a romantic fairytale. That’s a lesson Mama made sure I understood.



Unease drifts through my body with each step I take. Give me ten men with a bag of explosives, and I’m fine. But this…is bullshit.

“Quit lurking and just come in.”

“Fuck.” Rolling my shoulders, I enter Gianna’s office. “Hey, G. How are you doing?”

“I’ll be with you in a minute. I just need to finish this trade.”

“Okay.” I stroll around the room and notice that the Vor’s wife has finished decorating the office built last month. The large space is a cross between a CIA black site and an ancient church in Sicily. State-of-the-art monitors and processors fill one wall, while frescos and velvet couches fill the other. A perfect representation of the woman who inhabits it. Not only is Gianna a genius hacker and moneyman for the Mafia, but she’s a self-proclaimed Sicilian Strega.

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