Page 78 of Finding Her Love

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I smile at him and turn my attention back to Luca, and he is getting the marshmallows ready to roast?

Who roasts marshmallows?

“Why are we roasting them again?” I ask quizzically.

“Because it helps melt the chocolate. The best kind are the burnt kind,” Luca signs happily.

“I don’t know about that, but I definitely do not want a burnt marshmallow, okay?” I sign, concerned.

“FINE, but you are missing out. Are you sure I can’t convince you? What if you try mine?” Luca signs.

“Nope. No way. Burnt just sounds bad,” I sign back, disgusted.

Luca and I sit there and make s’mores. Which are delicious without the marshmallow being burnt, I might add. I eat two or three before tapping out. I want more, but I know if I eat more, my stomach will revolt against me. I’m still not used to eating a lot of food. I’ve already had a cupcake and some soup.

“Okay, it’s getting dark. Let’s head to bed,” Atlas says, ever the one in charge. “It’ll be your birthday in a few hours, and then you will be free forever.



Walkinginto the tent with all the guys, I feel a little timid. I’m a girl, in the middle of I don’t know where, with four guys.

I head over and get inside my sleeping bag. I need to get comfortable, as it’s going to be a long night not only because of them, but because of my nerves about tomorrow.

I’m going to be eighteen. I’ll be free. What am I going to do? I know Betty said I could stay with her and the guys, but should I do that or should I try to find somewhere else to stay?

Lost in thought, I don’t realize that the twins have lain down on either side of me.

“Hey there, wallflower,” Atlas tells me. “I figured since you spent some time with Mateo and Luca today, you wouldn’t mind spending the night with us. But if that’s not okay, just let us know and we will switch it up.”

“No, it’s okay. I don’t mind, and you are right. I didn’t spend a lot of time with you two, and I want to be fair and equal to all of you. I’m not just their girlfriend. I’m yours too. Though I don’t know exactly what we are going to be doing except sleeping, since you told us we needed to sleep,” I say while giggling a little.

“Well, we figured we could just cuddle with you. Like what you did with Luca in the hospital bed, but with both of us, where one is in the front and the other is in the back. We thought about unzipping the sleeping bags and just making them like big blankets to toss on us. Does that sound okay?” Kade asks.

“I guess we could try,” I say, unsure of how it’s going to work.

I wiggle my way out of my sleeping bag and Kade takes it and unzips it all the way and throws it out like a comforter. He does the same to his and Atlas’s. I stare at them, not knowing what to do now.

“Just get under your sleeping bag cover, trust us, and we will do the rest,” Kade says.

Knowing that I do in fact trust them, I get under the covers and wait for whatever they have planned. I’ve never cuddled with two people before. Cuddling with Luca was new to me. I had never cuddled withanyonethat wasn’t my dad before, but that was almost thirteen years ago, so that basically doesn’t count.

Sighing, I relax. I just told myself that I trusted them. I know they aren’t going to do something that I don’t want. None of them would. Once I’m under and relaxed, the twins get under and start getting close. Atlas is behind me, and Kade is in front of me.

“Tell us if this makes you uncomfortable. It’s just cuddling,” Kade whispers. “We won’t be upset or mad. Don’t be afraid to tell us, okay? Communication, remember.”

I nod and try to get comfortable after he just whispered in my ear. It’s difficult, especially when I look at him and he has a wicked grin on his face. He knows exactly what that does to me, and he enjoys doing it.

That jerk!

It’s also apparently difficult to get comfortable when you have two heat boxes trapping you between them. Eventually I’m able to wiggle around enough that I can fall asleep and get some rest.

* * *

Waking up drenched in sweat, I feel something hard poking me in the back. This feeling, the thing against my back…

I start to slowly hyperventilate. Emotionally, I know he won’t hurt me. Atlas would never do that to me. But mentally, I’m right back in that room, being that little girl, not able to protect herself.

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