Page 62 of Finding Her Love

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I sit there as she keeps taking notes on everything I’ve told her so far, and I shiver. After so many years, I hate being the center of attention. Being the center of attention has always led to me being hurt or being called mean things.

“Okay, Miss Matthews, one last question. How would you feel about being removed from your home and put into another home?”

I sign back, “Honestly, I’ve only ever known living with Mother. I don’t know how I would feel.”

“Well, I’m going to be frank with you. You are not going to be going back to your mother’s house. It is not safe for you there. I have a few phone calls to make, but I think I have the perfect place for you. I will be back in about thirty minutes, okay?”

Nodding, I just sit there, trying to process what she just said to me.

“Can you please send in the boys when you leave?”I sign.

“Yes, ma’am. See you in a few,” she says as she leaves the room.

As I sit there taking stock of how I feel after that talk, I realize I actually feel lighter than I thought I would. I know I told the guys a little bit about what happened, and I know Kade saw what happened with Mother that night, but talking to Mrs. Fitzgerald is different. It’s really relieving, talking to an adult and having them listen to me and being able to trust them to actually do something. I never knew how much tension I was carrying around, keeping all of that in. It feels like I can take on the world now.



The boysall come tumbling in after Mrs. Fitzgerald leaves, and it warms my heart to see them back in my room.

“She said that she was going to make a few calls to try to find a home to place me in tonight. I never thought I could be as happy as I am now, but I’m so happy. Even though I’m in the hospital, this is probably one of the happiest days I’ve ever had. I have you four to thank for that,” I beam up at them.

I raise my good hand and reach for Mateo, since he is closest to me, and he reacts right away. When his hand slips into mine, it’s like I’m finally at home. I get this warm fuzzy feeling in my belly whenever any of the guys are around. I used to be scared of human contact, but the guys have changed that. They saved me by being patient and kind, even though they had no reason to be.

“You know, I don’t know where I’ll be going tonight, so I want to be as honest with you as possible. I don’t know if what I feel for you all is love, but I have extremely deep feelings and I’m so scared. But at the same time, this feeling makes me so happy. Happy that I have something to look forward to when I wake up.”

I pull the thin white sheet up to my neck, trying to hide myself as much as possible after that admission. Unfortunately, moving it from where it was makes me shiver. The warmth that I had on my legs is gone. I press the call button and ask for a few more blankets, hoping then I can stay warm.

“Can one of you lie in bed with me? I have a feeling I’m going to fall asleep soon, and I’d feel better with someone close by,” I ask nobody in particular.

“I call dibs. Scoot over, Paisley, and I’ll cuddle with you and keep you safe.”Luca signs excitedly.

Once Luca gets into my hospital bed, I put the head of the bed back down so it’s easier to lie together.

Wait, did he say cuddle? Is that an option?

“Stop thinking so hard. Just do what feels right. Remember, we are going at your pace. Whateveryouwant to do,” he signs slowly while looking in my eyes.

I think about what he says as I get comfortable. Do I want to cuddle with him? How will the other three feel? I don’t want to give one of them special attention, especially in front of each other.

“I can hear you thinking from over here, wallflower,” says Atlas. “It’s okay, we promise. We already talked about it. It won’t bother us. Well, it might bother us because we want it to be us, but if it makes you happy, then it makes us happy. That’s all we want for you. For you to be happy.”

Listening to Atlas’s voice, how it’s unwavering and filled with truth, just cements my decision. I scoot as close to Luca as I can, and he raises his arm so I can actually cuddle up to him.

“You can put your head on my chest,” Luca signs to me.

Nodding, I try to find a good position where it doesn’t hurt my head, but I can’t seem to find one. Overwhelmed with sadness, I roll over and try to keep my eyes from watering up. I don’t want them to know that I’m going to start crying because I couldn’t rest my head on Luca’s chest.

I hear a rustle behind me, and I think Luca is going to get off the bed. He probably thinks I don’t want him. Lost in thought, I don’t realize that there is a warm body pressed against my back and an arm wrapped around my waist. When I turn my head, my lips are captured before I can see who is behind me.

But I know who is kissing me. This kiss is fire, passion, and soft. I remember these lips. Luca’s kisses are everything I need right now. I don’t know how he knows what I need, but he does. I get lost in this kiss. It’s just like our first one. Passionate, and he is letting me lead it.

It’s not too long before I feel something hard against my back, and I break away from the kiss, embarrassed.

Luckily, at that point there’s a knock at the door again. Luca detangles himself from me and stands with his brothers. In comes Betty with the blankets I asked for, and behind her is Mrs. Fitzgerald. I feel so grateful for what Luca did. I would have been so embarrassed if they had caught him in bed with me.

“Well, isn’t this perfect timing?” says Mrs. Fitzgerald. “Do you want to tell them the news, Betty, or do I get the honors?”

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