Page 60 of Finding Her Love

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“Because, honey, one, it’s the right thing to do. Two, my boys are clearly in love with you. Three, you are in love with them too. You are just taking a bit longer to show your feelings for them. Four, I can’t stand to see a child being abused. It’s one of the reasons I became a foster parent. To protect the ones who can’t protect themselves.”

“I truly don’t know what to say, except thank you,”I sign appreciatively.

“Dear, you don’t need to thank me. Just tell the truth when they ask you. They can’t help you unless you do. Okay?”

I nod my head, and she pats my shoulder again and turns to leave.

“Ca-ca-ca…boys?” I ask her.

“Sure, I’ll let them back in,” she says as she walks out the door.

* * *


Seeing her lying unconscious on that hospital bed, I felt like something was sitting on my lungs and my heart was slowly being squeezed until it couldn’t pump blood. I had to leave the room at first. I couldn’t handle it. She looked so pale.

I finally went back in an hour or so later, after sitting outside in the cool air.

Betty wouldn’t tell us anything except that she was stable. I understood why she couldn’t, but it didn’t change the fact that it bothered me that I didn’t know what was going on with her.

My instincts are telling me to fix the problem, but this isn’t a problem that I can fix. She has to want to fix it on her own. While I don’t know what caused her to end up in the hospital originally, the underlying issue is her mother. She has to want to get away from that situation for us to help her.

“Okay, boys, Paisley said you can go back in. Butdon’tstress her out. She doesn’t need that right now. She needs rest and relaxation,” Betty says as she emerges from the room.

I look at each of the guys. Luca is probably doing the worst out of all of us, if I have to be completely honest. He has been closed off since we arrived. I think he blames himself for what happened, even though we have told him several times it’s not his fault. Hell, we don’t even know what happened, so he can’t go blaming himself.

Atlas and Kade are still the complete opposite. Atlas is standing up against the hospital wall trying to remain calm, but if I know anything about that dude, it’s that he needs to figure out what happened. He wants to protect Paisley, and the best way to do that is knowing all the dangers to her.

Kade, my boy, is sitting in one of the waiting room chairs, bouncing his legs nervously. He is on the verge of having a panic attack. But hopefully since we can finally go see Paisley, he will calm down. I head over to Kade, knowing he is in his head and didn’t hear what Betty told us.

“Hey, dude,” I say as I lightly tap his shoulder. “We can go back to Paisley’s room now. Betty said it’s okay.”

“Oh, okay. Yeah, let’s go!” he says nonchalantly, but I know he is just trying to keep his cool.



I grabthat remote control thing, the one that controls the way the bed moves, and sit my upper body up. The way I was lying was making me want to sleep, and that’s the last thing I want to do. I want to see my guys and spend more time with them. I don’t know what happened to get me here, but I’m here, so I want to make the best of it.

“Hey, Paisley Girl. How are you feeling?” asks Kade as he comes through the door.

I giggle a little at that.

Man, he doesn’t waste any time, does he?

“Man, let her rest. You heard what Betty said. She needs rest and relaxation. Don’t bombard her with questions as soon as you get into the room!” exclaims Mateo.

“Both of you, shut your mouths and be quiet. You are being too loud,” says Atlas.

“Pai, really, though. How are you feeling? We are worried about you,” Luca signs.

“I’m fine,” I get out without it hurting too much.

I go to grab the water cup that’s beside my bed, and before I can get to it, Kade grabs it first and holds it for me. I beam at him, and he smiles back down at me. I honestly have no idea how to act right now. I’ve never had this before, someone—or someones—taking care of me. These guys not only tell me how they feel about me, but they also show me.

I take a few sips of water, and it’s like my throat isn’t the Sahara Desert anymore.

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