Page 53 of Finding Her Love

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“I didn’t realize what he was truly doing at the time. He was trying to gain my trust. So that when he basically took advantage of me when I was eight years old, I wouldn’t tell anyone. I remember telling him no, and I cried the whole time. I went home and told Mother, and she called me a whore, said I probably deserved it and was asking for it.

“The next day, I told my teacher at school what had happened, and they called the police. I was called into the office, and there were police that asked me a ton of questions. So I told the truth. When everything came out, everyone took Quinn’s dad’s side. Even Mother.

“Since then, Quinn has made it her life’s mission to tell everyone I lied about what happened and that I ruined her family’s life. Every time I would say something, I would either be beaten or called names. I had no one on my side. I was all alone. Even the teachers turned against me. I was eight years old, and I was alone. Mother didn’t care. All she cared about was what people thought about her. Having a daughter cry ‘rape’ against someone so prominent in the community made her look bad. I still, to this day, don’t know why no one believed me over him. Why would I lie about that?”

By the time I am done explaining, I am holding back tears that have been wanting to fall for years. As I look up at the guys, that dam breaks. They don’t say anything, but they don’t need to. Their eyes are shining with nothing but warmth. They all move toward me, and it’s like I’m wrapped in a cocoon. There isn’t a part of me that isn’t heated from their embrace.

“I’m sorry that was long. I didn’t want to go into so much detail, but it was like once I started, I couldn’t stop,” I sob.

“You have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. We are here for you. Just tell us what you need and we will give it to you,” says Mateo.

“You are already giving me exactly what I need right now. You aren’t running,” I tell them weakly.

“Of course we wouldn’t run. I am absolutely furious that these people are basically blaming you for something that you had no control over. That guy, as an adult, was supposed to protect you, and all he did was abuse you, in the worst way possible,” says Kade.

Is this love? Do I love them?I wonder while standing in the middle of the four guys.

I’m unsure what exactly love is, as I’ve never had a good example.

“What do you want to do, Pai? Class is about ready to start, and I’m unsure if you should be alone right now,” says Atlas, the ever thoughtful one.

“I don’t want to miss class. As much as I want to leave school and just be with you guys, I can’t miss any assignments. I have to think about my GPA, and the teachers will mark my assignments as zero,” I reply.

“Are you absolutely sure? We can take you into town and just treat you to lunch or something. You do not have to stay here if you don’t want to,” says Atlas.

“I’m sure. Let’s head to class. Did the bell ring?” I ask with worry in my voice.

“Yeah, it rang a couple minutes ago. If we hurry, we should be able to make it before the tardy bell rings.”



How couldthe whole town do that to her?

The anger that I have for these people is palpable, but I need to make sure I keep it reined in around Paisley. She is just now starting to trust us, and I don’t want to ruin that by scaring her with my anger.

I think this was finally the breakthrough with her that we needed, getting to see some of what was hidden behind the walls she built. Hopefully, we are showing her that we will be there for her when she needs us.

As I walk with the guys and Paisley to first period, Paisley intertwines her hand with mine. I don’t think she realizes how much that single movement, that single action, means to me or any of the guys. Especially now, knowing what we do about her past.

We make it to class by the skin of our teeth. Mr. Thames gives us all looks, but I ignore him, and we head to our seats.

I’m worried about Paisley. Talking about what happened couldn’t have been easy on her, and I’m sure there is going to be an issue coming up today because of it.

As class drones on, I constantly worry for her. She keeps taking shallow breaths, and it looks like she is shivering. I’m sure it’s shock, but with her being stubborn, she wouldn’t listen to us about taking the day off and dealing with what she talked about.

After everything she told us, I’m unsure what to do. The guys and I will have to talk tonight. I refuse to let Paisley stay at that house any longer. I won’t be able to sleep, knowing she is sleeping in a house with a mother who treated her daughter like that.

When the bell rings to signify class is over, I realize that I zoned out and missed the last part of the lecture. I’ll have to grab the notes from Mateo, hopefully. I doubt that Paisley was able to take any notes, and I know Kade is struggling. Of course, the teachers still don’t do any favors for Luca. He gets by…barely. But let’s be honest. He never pays attention, anyway. He messes with Paisley’s hair in class most of the time. I’m sure he is just daydreaming about her the whole time.

After I get all my stuff settled in my bag, I go to grab Paisley’s.

“Let’s walk to Psychology together,” I tell her.

I grab her hand and slowly pull her with me to class.


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