Page 49 of Finding Her Love

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Paisley shakes her head and then turns around and heads out of the room.

I want to scream so badly, but I know if I do, that could possibly get Paisley into more trouble, and I don’t want her to be in more pain than she already is.


Frustrated, I jog back to the car. I need to get home and work out to work off this anger I feel. The day was going so great, and then this happened. How can my brothers and I say we are going to protect her when we knowingly let her stay in that house with someone who beats her?



Pulling up to the house,I head straight to my room and change into workout clothes, still needing to release this pent-up anger. Going directly to the basement, I pass everyone in the living room, including Mom and Dad. I tell the guys that we need a group meeting ASAP, but I need to punch and kick some things first, so it will have to be after.

Letting them know I don’t want them to follow me, I hold my hand up. I almost never work out, at least outside of our normal sessions. Throwing my ear pods in and cranking on some music with a ton of bass, I hit shuffle and start on the punching bag.

I punch and kick the bag until I feel like my appendages are going to come off. I see her mother kicking her again, and I’m instantly pissed off again. I keep punching the bag, imagining it’s her mother’s face.

Eventually, I have to stop. I can feel myself overheating, and I can’t do anything for Paisley if I’m in the hospital or if Mom keeps me home because she is worried about me overdoing it.

Walking through the kitchen, I grab a water bottle and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When I check my phone, it’s ten o’clock. I was down there for almost two hours, and we need to have that group meeting to discuss what I saw at Paisley’s.

I send a group text to the guys.


Group meeting in the kitchen in five minutes.

I rush through this shower just trying to get the layer of sweat and grime off my body.

“So, what happened? Is she okay?” Luca signs with concern in his eyes.

Of course, Luca is the first to ask that. I haven’t even made it through the kitchen doorframe, yet and he is asking questions. I chuckle a little. I honestly shouldn’t be surprised by that.

Signing while I tell the guys what happened so Luca knows what’s going on, I catch them up on what happened to Paisley. I tell them what her mother said to her and how many times she was hit, not skipping over anything. They need to know everything.

I even tell them about the conversation I had with Paisley after her mother finally let her be.

“We have another subject we need to discuss, though. It’s not as pressing but it’s still relevant. Paisley kissed me in the car when I dropped her off. Now, I know she has kissed Mateo. You know I don’t care if she is with you all. But I want to make sure that we are all on the same page. I’m not going to make her life more difficult than it already is. So we need to decide if we are okay with all of us being with her or none of us.”

“I kissed her when she was here earlier, in my room on my bed. No shame. I’m on Team Paisley. Whatever makes her happy, I’m cool with. If that means all of you, then cool. But y’all hurt her, I’ll come after you. Y’all may be bigger and stronger than me, but I’ll find a way,” Luca signs, puffing his chest out.

“Am I the only one she hasn’t gotten a kiss from yet? Hmm. I’ll have to make it extra special,” says Atlas.

We all talk a little more and decide that if she wants to have a relationship with all of us, then we are willing to share her. Paisley’s happiness means more than anything else right now.

“So, what are we going to do about her mom? I know we told the principal, but it seems like nothing happened. We could go to the cops, but I think it would end up with the same result. Nothing. I don’t think Paisley is going to talk against her mom. She literally was silent the whole time her mom was abusing her,” I tell the guys.

I contemplate what to do. This is definitely not my forte. I’m not used to coming up with plans. Last time I did, we all got grounded for a month. That was also the last time we tried to sneak out of the house. Now we just ask to leave. Mom and Dad trust us enough that if we ask to leave, we won’t get into trouble.


“Let’s ask Mom. She might know what to do. She helped us when we needed her the most. Maybe she can help Paisley too!” I exclaim.

They all nod their agreement, and Mateo goes to get Mom.

“Okay, boys, what is it that you need? I was in the middle of my show with your dad.”

We all start in at the same time, trying to explain what’s going on with Paisley. That is, until she smacks her hands together and says to shut up.

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