Page 39 of Finding Her Love

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“What is your gut telling you about us? I always say to trust your gut. It’s your basic instinct telling you how to survive. Besides, I don’t judge people on what others say about them. You can trust us. We will prove it to you. We can just sit here for the class, or we can go back to class and be strong? I’ll be your shield if you need one. I’ll always be your armor when you need it, Paisley.”

After a few minutes when I’ve calmed down, I sign to Atlas that we can head back, but we have to get a slip and that the teacher is going to be pissed at us. He chuckles at me, and honestly, I have to keep myself from smiling.

I might be in love with his laugh. It’s so melodic. It’s now my favorite noise.

* * *

“Sit with us at lunch today, please?” asks Atlas.

I nod my head slightly, and Atlas beams at me.

He grabs my hand and gently pulls me along past my locker. He does the same thing that he did the other day with lunch and makes me put things on a plate. I pick a few things, and he carries my tray out to their spot. I know I said I would sit with them, but maybe they will sit in my spot with me?

“My spot?”I sign with my eyebrows raised.

Atlas nods, and he heads over to my area and sets the trays and himself down. We got to the lunchroom first this time, so by the time we sit down, I’m looking over, and I see his brothers looking over at us with curiosity. From the corner of my eye, I see Atlas wave them over, and it’s like it’s game on or something, because it’s like they are across the yard one second, and the next, they’re beside me.

“Are we all sitting together today, Paisley?” I see Luca ask.

I nod, and his smile doubles in size. I look at the rest of the guys, and they are all smiling. My cheeks flush because they are all looking at me. I look down at my tray and grab something to distract myself.

They try to engage me in conversation during lunch, but I politely decline.

“This is already a lot. You guys being here. I just want to sit here. I hope that is okay,”I sign.

“Of course, Paisley. We don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do,” says Mateo.

I tear up. Him saying that means the world to me. I turn around so they don’t see and try to discreetly wipe my eyes.

“What’s wrong, Paisley?” I hear Kade ask.

“Just leave her alone,” Atlas says.

Does he know what that sentence means to me? Did he hear what Quinn said? Don’t cry, Paisley. Don’t cry.

It takes everything I have not to break down. Once I’ve calmed down a little, I turn around.

“I’m fine. I just had something in my eye,”I sign before wiping my eyes.

Yeah… They are all looking at me, seeing through my lie. They don’t push it, though.

They go back to talking, and I just listen. I can tell Luca wants to talk, but I don’t have the energy, so I close my eyes and bask in the sun. Soon, it won’t be outside weather and we will have to stay inside.



Havinglunch with Paisley was so surreal. We all were shocked. We weren’t expecting it to happen. Especially with what happened with Atlas yesterday. She sat quietly the whole time and let us talk around her, which was completely fine. I think we are all fine just being able to be in her orbit.

After lunch, we all head to our respective classes until the bell rings. Wanting to walk Paisley to ASL, I rush out the door to get to the art room. In my haste, I run into Luca.

“You heading to get Paisley too?” I sign to him.

“Yes, I wanted to walk her to the classroom, guessing you had the same idea?” he signs back.

Arriving at the art classroom, I notice that Paisley is still talking to Atlas and Mateo. I wait until she comes out of the classroom and let her say goodbye to my brothers before I say anything.

“You okay with us walking you to class?” I ask her.

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