Page 37 of Finding Her Love

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We get to school early so we can talk to the principal about what happened with Paisley.

“What are we going to say? Have any of you thought about that?” asks Kade.

“Yeah, I’m going to be as honest as possible. Honesty is the best policy. I’m obviously not going to tell him what Paisley told us about her mom, but we can tell him about her mom smacking her, and the way her mom verbally berated her. No matter what, that’s still child abuse,” I tell him.

As we walk into the front office, the quietness is overwhelming.

“What can I do for you, gentlemen?” the secretary asks.

“We would like to talk to the principal if he’s free?” Mateo replies before I get a chance.

“Let me check real quick,” she says as she buzzes him.

Then she reports, “You can go in there as long as it’s a quick meeting. He has a morning meeting with a parent in ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” I tell her as we walk past her.

Once we get into the office, Luca and I take a seat, while Kade and Mateo decide to stay standing. I understand. They are the ones who will need to leave if they get upset, so being closer to the escape is better for them.

“Okay, what’s this about?” Principal Ratcliff asks us.

I explain the events that happened last night to him as clearly as possible. I even mention that she came to school with bruises and a cast on yesterday.

“Well, are you aware of Paisley’s past, boys?” he asks us.

“No, we don’t know much about Paisley. She doesn’t talk at all. All we have heard is people calling her names. A few people have dumped stuff on her as well,” I state.

“Well, I think you should find out her backstory, and then you might see her a little differently. But I will see what I can do about this issue. Don’t worry any further for now. Thank you for bringing it to my attention,” he says, dismissing us.

I’m unsure how I feel about the principal basically waving the issue aside, like it's not important. His demeanor and attitude seem like he doesn’t care what's going on with one of his students. I’m worried that he won’t do anything and we will have to find another way to save and protect Paisley.



I hate Fridays.

I don’t see the guys yet, but that doesn’t mean anything.

Not that I should be excited to see them.

But honestly, they are starting to worm themselves in, and I’m scared to death. I need to keep them at arm’s length, but they keep coming to my rescue. How can I not let them in when they are proving they care about me?

Mother knows about them, and I have no idea what I’m going to do about our English project. I know we have to work on it, but at this rate, I’m going to be permanently bruised. I know that’s not a thing, but I’ll somehow make it a thing.

Class starts, and I notice that the guys aren’t here. For some reason, that makes me sad, and I don’t fully understand why that is.

About ten minutes into class though, the guys finally show up and I smile at them when they walk in. Halfway through class, the intercom screeches.

“Paisley Matthews, please come to the principal’s office. I repeat, Paisley Matthews, please come to the principal’s office.”

I turn pale. What could have happened now?

I hate going to his office. All he does is berate me. Walking past the rows of desks, I look at the empty desks of the guys, then turn back and head toward the front office.

Once I get to the office, the secretary lets me back to his area.

“Please shut the door, Paisley,” he mentions before I have the chance to sit down.

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