Page 35 of Finding Her Love

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Seeing Atlas coming back from the computer, I point to him and let Luca know that he is coming. Pulling up one of the chairs, he lays out a few articles, and we all decide to go with a band that has been in the news the past couple of weeks, the G4, otherwise known as the Gibson Four. Apparently they are an up-and-coming band that won a reality show, and now they have a recording deal for an album. I don’t know much about them, so I’m trusting the guys that this is the right choice to make for this project.

Atlas divides up the paragraphs, and we all decide to do two each. They tell me they will work on the beginning and end paragraphs since they live together they can work on them at home together. I get the back history of where they grew up and how they ended up meeting and creating the band. That is paragraph two, and I was given paragraph five, which is a little description about what was in the newspaper.

Once it’s all divided up, we go to the computers and work on our parts of the assignment. I find my information relatively quickly and hand-write my paragraphs. Getting up from the computer, I head over to our stuff and wait for the guys to be done with their parts. A few minutes later, they walk over to me and sit down. I hand them my paper and let them know that I’m going to be heading home.

“Wait! I wanted to talk to you about your bruises. I’m seriously worried about you.Weare worried about you. If you are getting hurt at home, tell us. We can help you. You just have to trust us,” Luca signs.

“Fine. But this stays between you, me, and your brothers, as I know you are going to tell them. You can’t tell anyone else. No one is on my side. Nothing good will happen if you tell anyone anyway, so just it has to stay between us.

“My mom has been abusing me since I was five years old. Ever since my father left and never came back, she blames me for everything, and when I don’t listen to her, she gets a little grabby and handsy. This time, I forgot to clean up a mess that I never should have made to begin with, and my actions had consequences. I knew better than to do it, but I’d had a good day and wanted to continue it into the night,”I sign while avoiding their eyes.

“You need to go to the police. That is child abuse, child endangerment, and a fuck ton of other crimes, I’m sure,” Luca signs, his face turning red with anger.

“Yeah, right. They didn’t help me when I needed them the most, so they aren’t going to help me when I’m almost eighteen. They couldn’t care less about me. One even said that to me before. Bunch of chauvinistic males,”I sign to them.

“There must be something you can do?” questions Luca.

“Yeah. Endure until I graduate and then get the fuck out of Dodge,” I sign.

“That’s not a way to live life, Paisley,”Luca signs.

“It might not be, but it’s how I’ve survived, and I only have one more year. Now, I’ve told you what happened. Can I please go? You know almost all my dirty secrets, if not all of them now,” I sign.

I get up and head to the book stacks. I don’t know much about music besides what I’ve listened to over the years, which isn’t much, with the limited access and all. Getting to the music section in the non-fiction, I peruse the books looking for something of interest. I love reading and learning new things.

Getting to the 780s in the non-fiction section for music, I look for the music books and realize that all of them are on the top shelf and I can’t reach any of them. While debating what I should do, I feel someone come up behind me and feel a breath in my ear.

The person presses me into the shelf a little bit, and I internally start freaking out.



No. Not again.

“Come on, slut. I heard you were easy and that you liked it rough. Let me have a taste,” says an unfamiliar voice.

I start tearing up and try to push back against him so I can push myself away from the bookshelf so I’m not closed in. Unfortunately, the guy takes it as an advance and pushes my shirt up a little to get his hands under my shirt. Grabbing his hand with my good hand, I try to push him away, but I’m not strong enough.

“Stop fucking fighting, cunt. I just want a taste,” the nasty voice hisses.

Nothing comes out of my mouth, even though I want to plead with him to stop just like before.

He grabs both my hands and puts them above my head and has me trapped. My body still hurts too much and is too weak to do anything. I let out a whimper and a small sob, accepting what’s about to happen, and close my eyes.

Next thing I know, I’m freefalling and then landing on something hard. I open my eyes, and I’m looking directly into Luca’s swimming blue eyes. I feel panic setting in again, not knowing what happened.

“It’s okay, Paisley. Luca knocked him out. Did he hurt you? Touch you?” Atlas says.

I just shake my head. Because in the grand scheme of things, he just touched my stomach. I don’t even want to admit that.

“Why are you two even here? I figured you would have gone home by now,” I sign, ashamed, looking down and wanting to avoid their eyes still.

“Because you are still here. You didn’t think we, gentlemen, would just leave a nice young lady out and about without walking her home or at least offering her a ride home? Chivalry isn’t dead with us.”

“Thank you for saving me. I don’t want to forgot to tell you,”I sign to Luca.

“I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Now let’s get going home,” Luca signs.

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