Page 34 of Finding Her Love

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“If you need me to go with you, just let me know and I can walk with you.”

“Thank you, but I think I can go by myself. But I definitely appreciate it.”

Feeling like she was dismissing me with her last statement, I look over, and Kade walks in and comes and sits over on the other side of Paisley. Mrs. Embers starts the classroom up and gives out the assignments, then walks over to us.

“Okay, you three, I have decided that you all can just talk in class. That is, as long as you pass a test showing you have the knowledge to skip everything you would learn in ASL I through III. Does that sound acceptable to you?” she signs.

Looking over to Paisley, who definitely looks confused, I try to explain.

“When you didn’t show up on Friday, we asked the teacher if we could basically skip all of this and do something else in class. Either just conversing because we tested out, or she comes up with harder classwork for us,” I sign enthusiastically.

Paisley nods her head in understanding, and Mrs. Embers starts signing.

“So we can start the testing out now if you would prefer, or do you need to brush up on anything?”

We all reply, “Now is fine.”

Well, Paisley does the best she can with her wrist and all.

“Well, you can converse amongst yourselves while I’m testing the others.”

Mrs. Embers takes Paisley out into the hallway so we can’t see what might be signed. Once Paisley comes back in, Kade goes next, then I do. I know I did fine. I mean, it’s my primary language, so there wasn’t a doubt in my mind. I just hope the other two did well.

“Okay, y’all are free to talk the rest of the semester. I would prefer if you work on homework if you have any first, and don’t forget I’m still around and will still be checking in from time to time. So don’t get too sign-y. Sorry, ASL joke,”Mrs. Embers signs.

As she walks away, I turn toward Kade, and he is grinning from ear to ear. We both look at Paisley, and she just looks indifferent.

“What’s wrong? I figured you would like this. We can talk freely in class without the teacher giving us looks,” I sign, looking at her, my eyebrows furrowed.

“While it’s nice to not have to do monotonous, repetitive assignments since we are more advanced than them, this feels weird not having to do schoolwork and just having a free period,”Paisley signs.

“I can understand how you feel, but just think, this could be a chance to get to really know us. You could learn to trust us this way.”

She looks between the two of us, and a look flashes through her eyes. Indecisiveness. She isn’t sure she should believe us. Whether she wants to believe us or not, my brothers and I are going to show her with actions and not just words that she can trust us.

I get this feeling that she has been let down her whole life and that she can’t believe a single thing that isn’t her own thoughts.



Walking into the library,I scan the room for Atlas and Luca, and I don’t notice either of them right off the bat so I grab a table near the middle. That way we are close to the computers and the books. As Goldilocks would say, it’s just right.

As I’m grabbing my stuff out of my bag, I hear things being put on the table and I look up and see it’s Luca and Atlas. Relaxing a little, knowing it’s just them and not a tormentor, I continue with what I was doing. Once everything I need is out of my bag, I finally look at both of them. Staring at them for too long, I realize, I look down at the rubric.

“We need to pick a subject out of a popular newspaper and do a weekly report on it, and then there will be a big report at the end of the semester about what we chose. I think the first thing we need to do is decide which newspaper we are going to use to pick our subject and then have one of us go to the computer and print off some articles so we can pick something to write about. The first week’s assignment is to talk about the actual subject. Who or what they are. What do they like? Basic introduction. The teacher summarized it like this: pretend I know nothing about the subject and give me the need-to-know and a few interesting facts that will get me interested in your upcoming reports,” I sign to them.

“I like that idea. Why don’t we go with theChicago Tribune? Everyone will probably go with theNew York Timesor theVirginia Leader, so let’s do something different,” Atlas signs.

“That’s fine with me. Atlas, why don’t you go look for the articles, then, since it was your idea?” I sign.

Atlas nods and heads toward the computer area. Now Luca and I are alone, and I’m nervous. What is it with the guys and me being alone with them that has me anxious?

“You okay? You seem nervous,” Luca signs.

“I’m nervous when I’m alone with any of you. I’m not used to being around guys, let alone being alone around them. I honestly have no idea how to act or what to do that’s appropriate,” I sign back.

“You don’t have to act around us at all. Just be yourself. We like you for you. How you are now.”

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