Page 31 of Finding Her Love

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Trying to ignore it, I keep walking to second period.

“I’m talking to you, whore!” screeches Quinn.

Some cold liquid comes crashing down on me, and I gasp.

Trying to recover from the shock, I attempt to keep my body from shaking. My muscles want to revolt against me. Unfortunately, if I let them quiver, I’ll be in more pain.

“Shouldn’t ignore me. Now you have to go around school in wet clothes. Oh, my God. Are you not wearing a bra? You are such a fucking slut!” she shouts at me.

“Hey, Paisley, come with me. You can take my spare set of clothes from my gym locker,” says one of my guys.

I’m not sure who, but at this moment, I don’t care. I just follow whoever to wherever they are leading me.

“You know, you can trust us. We will look out for you. I’m sure my brothers are laying into whoever that was right now.”

I finally look up to see who it is, and it’s one of the twins. At first glance, I’m not sure which one it is, but then I see the little notch on his ear that separates Kade from Atlas.

I can’t believe Kade saved me. If anything, I would have assumed Mateo or Luca. Kade is the person I have had the least amount of conversation and interaction with.

Why would he save me?

“Wait here for me to grab the clothes from my gym locker, okay?” he asks.

I nod my head, and he heads in. He is back faster than I can count to ten. He must have run there and back.

“Here. You’ll have to roll them up, but it’s better than being wet and shivering. I have sweats if you prefer those over shorts.”

I take the clothes and stare at him for a few seconds, trying to understand why he is being so nice to me. Once I feel like he is truly being nice, I walk up to him and give him a hug as best as I can.

“Th-th-th,” I try to say to him, but I can’t make the words come out.

I turn back around, embarrassed, and head to the girls’ locker room as fast as I can, being as bruised and battered as I am.

Taking off the wet clothes proves to be a little more difficult, as they are sticking to my body and it hurts to move my arms over my head. I whimper trying to get them off—which, eventually, I do. I feel like it takes hours, though I’m sure it was more around ten minutes.

Putting on Kade’s clothes, I feel so weird. I know I’m going to get made fun of. I know people are going to be saying stuff about me behind my back. But being in his clothes makes me feel like I’m invincible. I can’t really explain why I feel this way.

When I head back outside and to second period, Kade is waiting there for me.

“Why are you still here and not in class? You aresogoing to be late!”I sign, shocked.

“I’m here to walk you to class to make sure nothing else happens to you. First, we have to go to the office to get tardy slips, and then I can drop you off. Atlas is in your second period, so he will have your back. One of us will be with you now, okay? We’ve got you,” Kade states matter-of-factly.



“What the fuckis wrong with you?” I yell at Quinn.

“I have no clue what you are talking about,” she replies, clearly lying.

“Why would you throw water on Paisley? There was absolutely no reason for that,” I state.

“Oh, that? That was perfectly normal behavior. She ruined my life and my family, not to mention what she did to my dad. She deserves worse, if you ask me.”

“No one deserves to have water thrown on them for not answering you. No one deserves to be called names. No one deserves to be degraded the way you did to her!” I basically scream at her.

Mateo comes up behind me and starts to pull me back from the situation. “You need to calm down, Atlas. This is not how we need to handle this situation.”

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