Page 3 of Finding Her Love

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Tapping my shoulder, Mateo signs, “Sorry for getting us in trouble on our first day.”

“Don’t worry about it,”I sign back.“It’s bound to happen, no matter where we go.”

Once the class is over, we both head outside to the schoolyard for lunch. Luckily, this school has one lunch period, so we all get to spend it together. When we catch up with the guys, Kade hands us the lunch that he grabbed for us.

As we are all eating, I notice the girl from earlier walking past us, heading to sit down somewhere. I turn my attention back to the guys and focus on their conversation, and it’s all unimportant stuff. Now, give me multiverse theories for Marvel or DC, and we’ve got a conversation that could last all day. Luckily, when they are around me, whether they are talking to me or not, they sign their conversations for my benefit.

Bored of the conversation, I look back at the girl. When we locked eyes earlier today, it was like I could understand everything that had ever happened to her. I see so much pain and conflict mirrored in her eyes. Right next to the pain, I see the void that she has in her, the void where all you think about are the bad things in life. And now I have this overwhelming need to protect her. To know her. To hold her.

Looking at the guys, I decide not to tell them what happened. It’s like it was just meant for us, and us alone.

I finally take the time to look her over and notice her gorgeous blonde hair. It’s the kind that will flow freely in the wind and it is naturally straight. She has soft features. Her nose is super cute and short. Fits her perfectly, along with her gorgeous blue eyes. She isn’t even wearing makeup. You would never guess it with her sitting, but she is tall. I noticed it earlier when she left English. She is a natural beauty.

I’ll just have to get close to her to figure out the mystery behind her. One of the guys taps me and signs that lunch is over, and we all head to our third-period class.



Get it together,Paisley. GET IT TOGETHER.

I keep repeating it to myself over and over as I’m going to Mrs. Dae’s classroom for Art II. I saw them signing at lunchtime. There is no way that the guy in first period didn’t understand what I did!

Breathe, Paisley.

Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe I can let it slip that I know ASL…or should I just pretend that nothing happened? What do I do?

I think I’ll let them lead. That way I’m not overstepping, and they can’t say I was the one doing anything wrong.

As soon as I step through the doorway, I feel electricity buzzing through my body. Looking up, I see two pairs of eyes trained on me. I look around the room for a seat and, of course, the only empty seat is at their table. Accepting this unfortunate turn of events in lifeyet again, I sigh and head toward the table.

I pull out my chair and immediately turn toward the board, effectively shutting down any conversation they might try to have with me before it even begins. I don’t want to start something that I know will end sooner rather than later. One of them coughs, gaining my attention, and as soon I think about looking over, I’m saved by the bell and the teacher. Class drones on and on, and I’m so bored. I’m taking this class again because they don’t offer anything past the second class. This is basically independent study for me, as the teacher knows I’ve taken this class before and has given me a special curriculum.

Near the end of class, the teacher gives us about ten minutes to clean up our area, and I start to panic. I know what’s going to happen. They are going to try to talk to me, and when they find out what is going on with me, they will treat me just like the rest. They all do. They will probably ask the teacher to have me removed from the desk, and the teacher will most likely oblige. I was lucky enough to get the independent study course. I don’t expect any more niceties out of this school.

As I’m putting my charcoal pencils inside my backpack, one of them taps my desk. I keep cleaning because I need to avoid them as much as possible.

Besides, why would they want to talk to me? I’m nothing. Will amount to nothing. The ONLY thing I have going for me are my grades in school. Somebody taps me on my shoulder, and I feel like I have no choice but to look up. I freeze.

I’m met with the most gorgeous piercing green eyes. Even sitting down, I can tell that this person is tall. His hair is long and shaggy. It’s the length that I see guys putting their hair up in one of those man bun hairstyles.

Shaking my thoughts back, I don’t say anything. Don’t speak. I know the rules of my life and this school. Keep your head down and be as invisible as possible.

After what feels like hours, one of them speaks up.

“Hey, I’m Mateo. The silent guy is Atlas. It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?”

I look at them, dumbfounded. Are they seriously talking to me and signing at the same time? They seem nice. They look nice.

Looks can be deceiving. I open my mouth to say something, anything, but fear rips through me, crippling my voice yet again.

“What are you doing, talking to the trash?” asks Aaron.

“Yeah, we ignore the garbage in the school,” one of his friends, whose name I forget, chimes in.

“Oh, maybe we can make the trash look prettier. We are in Art, after all,” he laughs.

Then he picks up one of the paint cans and dumps it on my head. It’s so cold, but I refuse to cry. I refuse to give them any more power than they already have over me. Everyone in class just starts to laugh at me, saying all the things they did before and I’m back in the memories of nine years ago.

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