Page 10 of Finding Her Love

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“Look, guys, I don’t know what’s going on, but she freaked out every time I got close to her or said anything to her, really. She even had me on edge by the end of the conversation. But she did sign that ‘not here, please,’ whatever that means.”

I am at a loss. I truly don’t understand what is going on here at this school but I know that we need to figure it out because whatever it is, Ineedto protect her.Weneed to protect her.

The bell pulls me out of my thoughts, and the guys drag me along with them. I look around forourgirl, nowhere to be seen. Walking into first period, I look up and see her sitting in the same seat as yesterday. We all take the same seats we had before, and we converse with each other until the teacher calls the class to start.

Mr. Thames drones on and on. This class is so boring. Near the end of class, he tells us that we will have a semester project coming up, and it will be in pairs.

“Willow’s with Haley and Steph, Melanie and Joe, Kade and Mateo, Atlas and Luca,” he drones on, naming out the pairs.

After he says the last group, I notice that he didn’t mention Paisley’s name.

“Excuse me, Mr. Thames? You didn’t assign Paisley a partner. In fact, you gave one group three members when one of them could be partnered up with her.”

Laughing, the teacher says, “Okay, then, since you want to interrupt class and question me... Paisley, would you like to work with any of the three ladies in the group of three?”

Paisley just stares at the teacher, not answering.

“I’ll take your silence as a no, Paisley,” the teacher says. “See…Atlas, is it? Paisley doesn’t want a partner. Don’t interrupt my class again.”

“She can partner with us. Luca and me. I won’t take no for an answer. Besides, we are new here. Paisley can teach us the ins and outs of what to do and not to do, like not questioning you, as you put it.”

Gritting his teeth, he says, “Fine. But only because I feel you won’t leave me alone about this. Paisley, you are in their group now. I don’t want to hear you arguing. Listen up, everyone! Atlas, Luca, and Paisley here are in a group together. So deal with it.”

When I look over at the guys, we all have the same look: wondering how this is going to work when she is deathly afraid of us.



No,no, no.

Why would they do this to me? They know I can’t be partnered with anyone. I have to be by myself. I don’t want to be around anyone, let alone have to try and converse with them. This has got to be a joke. A sick, sick joke because of earlier. I’ll not only have to be around someone, but have to actually talk. I can only hope it’s an assignment that can be done in one sitting.

I’m trying everything to not have a panic attack in class. I’ve read all the self-help books that I could get my hands on. I count backward from ten, taking a deep breath between each count.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Then I focus on my happy place. I don’t really remember what he looks like, so it may not even be him that I think of, but I’m back in my little bed, being read to by Dad. Being told how much he loves me, his Daisy Girl, and will always protect me. He tucks me in and kisses my forehead before he turns the light off.

Feeling a touch on my back, I’m brought out of my dream and remember where I am. The gorgeous guy looks at me with worry written all over his face. He breathes in and out and does a gesture between us. I think he wants me to do it with him. So I do.

We do this for about ten breaths, and I realize that I’m calmed down now. I give him a genuine smile and turn back around.

As I listen to the teacher after he finishes giving out partner assignments, he explains that this is a semester-long project with assignments to turn in weekly. He looks over the whole class, making sure everyone understands, and then lands on me for an extra second longer.

Mr. Thames says, “Find your partners and I’ll pass around the packet for this semester’s project with what you will need to turn in and when. You will have to figure out when, where, and how you’ll get the assignments done. I’m leaving everything up to you, as long as the assignments are turned in on time. First assignment is due at the end of next week.”

The guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and I turn around. He hands me a piece of paper. I glance at it and read.

Hi. I’m Luca. Looks like I’m one of your partners for this semester. I’m deaf. So, to make it easier to communicate, I’ll write everything to you unless one of my brothers is with me and can interpret.

I breathe a sigh of relief. I won’t have to talk. I glance back at Mr. Thames, and he slightly nods with a smile. I blink back the tears. Someone showing me kindness is not something I was expecting, not after this morning.

I feel another tap and another note is passed to me.

Since we are partners, we should exchange info so we can discuss assignment details and schedule study times. We can even study with my brothers, since they got paired together as well.

I start getting a little uncomfortable. I can arguably justify spending weekdays after school with Luca and Atlas because of assignments. I alsothinkthe teacher will vouch that Luca and Atlas are my English project partners, which will require doing research outside of school, if I tell Mother. But spending time with all four of them, she will not approve of. I don’t know how to tell him no without being offensive. After all, they are his brothers. I have never seen him without one of them.

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