Page 96 of Forever Fabled

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“Keep your eyes closed,” he invited softly, and she nodded silently.

“Hands are miracles and extensions of the mind, soul, and body,” he continued. “They can trace outlines,” he breathed, drawing a finger from her palm up her arm, making her shiver as he chuckled. “They can give you goosebumps, too.”

“You’re tickling me,” she smiled, keeping her eyes closed as she stood there waiting for him to keep going, fascinated.

“See?” he chuckled softly. “They can tickle, scratch, or…”


“Or stir the beginnings of something more,” he whispered, kissing her fingertips slowly, before kissing her palm, and then her wrist as she caught her breath in awareness.

“They can show love,” he promised tenderly, “transfer emotions from one person to the next, and…”

“And?” she asked hoarsely, her mind, heart, and soul thrumming with anticipation of what he would say next.

“They can create desire between a paladin and a lowly knight who is completely under her spell,” he confessed lovingly as she opened her eyes slowly to see him before her.

Neither said a word as he slowly pulled her to him, and moved to kiss her before pausing. He nuzzled her cheek tenderly, his lips so close that it made her heart stagger.

“You are the queen of my heart… and there will never be another so long as I draw breath, Giselle. You are everything to me. My happiness, my comfort, my joy, and my very life,” he promised, placing her hand on his shoulder. “Let me show you what you mean to me… my precious bride.”

His lips finally met hers.



Two days later…

Yonder, Texas

As the Cessna touched down,she shared an intimate and knowing smile with Austin, knowing what the next day and a half would be like. There would be no peace of mind, no solitude, surrounded by their friends… and stealing moments together where they could before they were on a plane back to Ghazni.

Just being here, sharing this part of his life with him, was more than she could have asked for – and she didn’t want him to ever think she was ungrateful…

She just wanted to make sure they could spend some time alone too – especially before they couldn’t.

“I have a surprise for you,” he admitted shyly, his eyes searching hers.

“Does this involve another dissertation of the miracle of hands?” she teased playfully, unbuckling and leaning over to kiss him.

Austin immediately grabbed hold of her, making her yelp in surprise for a moment as the plane was still taxiing to a stop on the short airstrip as he pulled her across his lap bodily. He cut the engine, pulled her against him, swooping forward and kissing her passionately as she clung to him.

They were both lost in that stolen kiss.

“Sparky,” the headphones crackled, causing them to slowly open their eyes and look at each other, sharing another smile of awareness, before he kissed her again.

“I know you hear me, cause the Cessna is right in front of Harley’s office and I saw you come up for air, bro,” Houdini announced in the mic. “Taxi down to the hanger and tie her down – the plane, not your wife – and let’s get going. Everyone is waiting for us.”

Giselle pulled back and looked at Austin.

“What does he mean ‘everyone is waiting for us’?”

“That’s the comment you got stuck on?” he laughed softly. “My brain stumbled, tripped, and belly-floppedhardon the ‘tie her down’ comment…”

She laughed and swatted at him, blushing wildly, as she moved back to the bench seat… seeing him laughing happily next to her.

“I seriously love you,” he grinned.

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