Page 90 of Forever Fabled

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“I love it – and it’s lovely. I just don’t know when you had time to get it unless…” her mouth dropped open in shock as she stared at him. “Did you bring it from the base?”

“No,” he said nervously, smiling shyly. “I bought it at the jewelers the other evening when I went out with the guys. I was standing there, talking with X-Ray while Firefly was holding Betsy in his lap for her earrings… and found something that made me think of you – just like your earrings. It was perfect.”

Her father interrupted them, getting to his feet and smiling warmly.

“It sounds like we all have a very busy day tomorrow – and we are really glad to have you both here. Giselle, your Austin is a fine young man, and we are both very happy for you.”

“If you two need anything, just knock on our door. Get some rest and try to sleep. You’ve had quite a busy last few days and before you know it, you’ll be heading home once more,” Her mother said, unknowing that was a sore spot with the two of them, as she got up and walked over, kissing them both on the forehead. “Sweet dreams.”

“Goodnight, Mrs. Beck,” Austin said dutifully and saw her frown at him, causing him to laugh. “I mean, Gigi…”

“That’s better,” she smiled happily at Giselle. “’Night honey.”

“’Night, Mama… goodnight, Daddy.”

She watched as her parents walked off and rose to her feet – only to have Austin move in time around her. He turned off the kitchen lights as she turned off the lamp in the living room, before meeting her at the hallway.

“Are you okay with tomorrow?”

“I’m thrilled with the idea of you becoming my wife so quickly,” he admitted. “I’m not a very patient guy and never have been, so this absolutely works right into my nefarious plans to have my wicked way with you…”

He smiled playfully, wagging his eyebrows at her, and chuckling softly as she ‘shushed’ him nervously, laughing with him. He took her hand in his, pulling her towards the room where he’d dropped both of their bags and sat down on the bed.

“Let’s talk for a few,” he offered – and that touched her.

Austin wanted to know how she was feeling, to talk about whatever was on her mind, and just reconnect the two of them without having anyone point out flaws, question them, or plant the seeds of doubt.

She could do that all on her own.

“Okay,” she said gingerly, sitting down facing him. “What did you want to talk about? I’m really delighted right now and…”

“I just wanted to make sure of that,” he admitted. “We’ve barely had any time alone, and I wanted to touch base with my favorite person in the entire universe.”

She smiled softly at him.

“I’m very happy… and Giselle Calder sounds rather nice, doesn’t it?”

“It sounds like perfection,” he whispered emotionally, looking at her. “I don’t want you to be nervous, frightened, regret any of this, or decide this isn’t for you… and well, I just wanted…”

She interrupted him immediately.

“Austin,” she said tenderly, reaching up to touch his face as she looked at him. “I want this with everything in me – and I don’t plan on going anywhere or leaving you alone ever again. Okay? Don’t be scared to open up to me, because I’m here… and we are wonderful.”

“It’s just hard,” he breathed, looking away. “I can handle all those moments from my past, hearing the phone calls saying that they didn’t want me there and needed child services to pick me up, or the rejection in their faces just before my ride arrived…” he swallowed hard, sitting there so still it broke her heart.

“Seeing that would destroy me, if you ever got sick of me. I just need to be sure. Call it self-preservation, fear, desperation, or lack of confidence… I just want things to be right for you so you don’t regret any of this – or choosing me.”

Tears stung her eyes as she looked at him.

“Oh Austin,” she began painfully, her heart shattering for the sweet man before her. “I would choose you a thousand times over… and I’m thrilled to become your wife tomorrow. If there is ever something wrong, or something feels off, if I’m scared? I assure you – you will be the person I look to for help, support, and everything I could ever need to keep me going.”

“So we’re good?” he whispered insecurely, looking at her sideways from where he’d turned away, reaching for her hand.

“We are amazing,” she smiled tearfully.

“What are we going to do about July?” he asked softly. “Do you want to look at a different location? I don’t want to risk us trying to find a home somewhere and with there being no base housing…”

“Let’s see what orders come up – and maybe we make a change?”

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