Page 80 of Forever Fabled

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“You’re sure you want me, because if you say ‘yes’? I’m never letting you go… I want to make sure you know what you are in for. I don’t mean to sound like a jerk, and I love the guy to pieces - but if Firefly is inourstory? He’s the Donkey in Shrek… and I’m forever going to be your knight, prince, king, whatever you want to call me – but he’s the dang sidekick donkey and that’s it. Got it?”

Giselle laughed at him as he took her hand, stepping up on the footpad and climbing into the plane beside him. Her eyes gazed at his beloved face, seeing that insecure smile on his lips, as she leaned forward to kiss them.

“I’m sure that I want you, my beloved knight.”

He leaned forward and kissed her again softly, before whispering to her.

“Definitely time for an upgrade…”

“What do you mean?”

“Here,” he invited, handing her a set of headphones. “You just leveled up from ‘paladin’to a ‘passenger princess’. Put these on and pull the speaker close to your lips so we can talk.”

He helped her buckle, before reaching over her lap and latching the door closed, running through a few things on the strange ‘dash’ before her… and giving her a smile.

Leaning back in his seat, he tapped the mouthpiece, and she heard his voice… looking at him in disbelief.

“Mic check one… and two! Yo, is this thing on? Party people in the house say ‘Heyyyy’…” he sang playfully.

“Heyyyy!”… Came the immediate response in the speakers, making her burst out laughing and seeing his immediate grin of awareness that she heard him playing around.

He held up two fingers, his index and middle, making a ‘gang sign’ and holding it up playfully in the window towards Flyboys – only to see several of the guys standing at the window, making hand gestures back at him.

“Spark-dog is on the mic, G! My princess is ready to go. If I take it low-n-slow, with a clear tempo… am I clear ta’ go?”

She heard several people laughing now in the background of the radio as Harley got on the coms.

“You are clear to take off, Sparky… Thumper is southbound and lining up for the runway. He can already see you, so get to moving – and avoid the ‘low and slow’ pace, my friend,” Harley ordered. “Have a great time -and hustle- or you’ll need to wait for my husband to land and taxi forward.”

“I’m out! … Clear the skies,” Sparky replied – and Giselle was shocked at the speed at which the small plane suddenly rushed forward, accelerating quickly and pressing her into the seat.

He meant business and before she could caution him, question anything, they were off the ground and soaring into the skies turning slightly to the right before swinging back slightly to the west.

“Can you hear me?” he asked easily, his eyes checking the gauges and the surrounding air.

“Yes. No more rapping, Spark-dog?”

“Flyboys – this is Cessna 631, going to channel nine on the radio. I’ll text when we land… and thank you again.”

Harley’s voice came through, crackling slightly as the distance between them grew.

“Have… great… t-time… care…”

Austin reached for the radio, changing the dial, and then spoke to her in the mic.

“Can you still hear me?”


“Perfect,” he smiled at her. “I meant to ask, have you ever been in a Cessna? Do you want to fly her for a bit?”


“Yeah, you. I’ll show you a few things if you want to try it…”

“Oh no, no, no. I don’t think so.”

“Put your hands on the yoke,” he instructed… and she numbly complied, feeling almost strange at this whole idea. Who would have thought that she would ever have her hands on something that looked like a steering wheel of an airplane – when there was really nothing to steer?

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