Page 79 of Forever Fabled

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“Gotcha,” Austin acknowledged and shook hands with both men happily. “Thank you, guys, for letting me borrow the plane.”

“Just don’t wreck it,” Valkyrie shrugged – causing the three pilots to laugh easily as she swallowed hard. That was not funny and not something to joke about in the slightest, yet they acted like it was nothing.

“Do we need to worry about that?”

“Not in the slightest. No loops, no aerial stalls, and no diving… I promise. Let’s go. I’m hogging the runway and Thumper is going to be landing soon with a student.”

“Okay,” she nodded in comprehension – and turned to the guys, hugging them both quickly. “Thank you again – for everything.”

“You betcha, kiddo.”

“Have a nice flight, Sarge.”

“Thanks guys,” Giselle smiled and looked at Austin, who was looking a little warily at his friends, before pulling her to his side. She looked up at Austin, surprised and a little touched that he was so possessive, disliking the quick hug between her and Firefly immensely.

“Relax, pup. Melody would maim me or cry… and I don’t honestly know what would be worse. Your girl is allyours– I swear it.”

“I was just saying ‘thankyou’,” she chided and saw his nod.

“Let’s go.”

As they walked out the door together towards the plane, she looked at him in surprise.

“You know that was nothing, right?”

“I know.”

“Then why do you look so… grumpy?”

He stopped and hesitated for a moment before looking at her.

“I’m not grumpy – I’m a realist,” he said simply, yanking open the door to the plane for her as she stood there silently watching him, trying to figure out what made him tick. He looked very insecure, quite grumpy no matter what he said, very frustrated… yet incredibly handsome.

Austin was wearing a white button-up dress shirt to meet her parents and the gold reflective sunglasses she’d given him from Christmas were perched on his nose. His hair was slightly spiked somewhat from his shower earlier… and his goatee was trimmed nicely, framing a very sullen looking mouth.

The man was upset.

As he slid into the seat of the Cessna, he looked at her.

“Did you want to go – or would you rather stay here with Firefly?”

“Oh my gosh… you’re jealous?!”

“You told me not to be.”


“So I’m not.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

“Do we have to do this now?” he asked simply, looking at her across the seat. “Yes, I’m jealous – very much so – and exceedingly insecure, okay? Do you want to hear me say it? The man is built like a bodybuilder and I’m a toothpick next to him. He’s a great guy and if that’s your thing, then…”

“Austin?” she interrupted softly, looking at him.


“He’s not the man that I want to dance with in the moonlight until I’m a hundred years old… so relax,” she said tenderly and held out her hand to him. “I want our story, so let’s open up our next chapter by getting this plane off the ground so I can show you off to my parents.”

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