Page 69 of Forever Fabled

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“So, you would withdraw and hide, shutting me out?” he breathed – and sounded relieved. “It’s not that you don’t want this to go further between us – you do. You really want this, don’t you? You are scared… and it’s not just me worrying or wondering.”

“Oh gosh, no,” she hissed, hiccupping. “I want this… and yes, I’m very scared. This is so fast, so wonderful, and so intense, that I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster. I’m enjoying the thrills and savoring every twist and turn – but waiting to be told to ‘get off the ride’ or ‘your turn is over’.”

“What if the coaster never pulled to a stop – and no one told you to get off the ride…”

She stared at him, his eyes searching hers, and hesitated as he clasped her hands in his, bringing each hand to his lips and brushing a kiss on her knuckles.

“What if the ride never ended?” he repeated softly. “Would you be happy with me, if I made sure no one ever made you get off of our beautiful rollercoaster?”

“What do you mean?”

“If we started looking at what a future would look like maybe six months from now, so we could make decisions together on our re-enlistment. If you wanted to stay in Ghazni? I would stay there with you and there would be ‘fence-rendezvous’ every night. If you wanted to transfer to another base – I would transfer to the nearest air base just to be close to you.”

“Oh Austin…” she whispered, moved by the intensity of his eyes and the promises he was making.

“And if you wanted to put down roots and find a way to enjoy the civilian world? We have an avenue to talk about together here, but our thrill ride never has to end, sweetheart,” he said hoarsely, looking at her.

“Are you sure? Like I said, I might be just jetlagged and…”

“I told you to talk to me if you were scared,” he reminded her gently, smiling tenderly as he released her hand, cupping her face. “This includes our future, and whatever it may look like.”

“See? You are getting to know the real me behind that tough girl attitude,” she teased tearfully, smiling at him. “Now, can I have a hug, or are you going to hold me at arm’s length again?”

“Never,” he whispered, pulling her into his arms and kissing her tenderly. She savored the feeling of closeness, the way he made her feel so alive, and knew deep down that she was just antsy and scared. If this was how his friends had reacted, she was expecting much of the same from her parents.

She’d never brought a guy home to meet them – not even when she was going to school dances or when she entered the military. There was an unspoken rule at home that you didn’t just bring ‘anyone’ home. You broughttheone… and she was doing just that.

He was the one for her – and always would be.

“C’mon,” he murmured against her lips. “Firefly asked me to run a few errands with him this afternoon – and Glory is getting our plane ready. I thought maybe you’d like to go to Wichita Falls tomorrow instead of waiting another day.”

She smiled gratefully and nodded.

“I’m crazy about you and would do anything to see that smile again,” he chuckled breathlessly, nuzzling her nose. “I love it when you are happy with me.”

“I am,” she whispered, kissing him again. “I couldn’t be happier.”

“Then these were happy tears?” he asked softly, teasing her.

“Sure,” she chuckled, hugging him again as he laughed aloud.

“Hey Sparky!” Firefly called out, banging on the door. “You two aren’t pulling a ‘Petersen Maneuver’in there, are you? There are more romantic places, buddy… and the bathroom at Flyboys just ain’t it. Open up! I gotta go.”

Giselle looked at Austin – and they both smiled.

“That’s my girl,” he whispered, dropping a quick kiss on her lips. “We’ll talk more later when we are alone. I promise.”


* * *

The afternoon wore onand before she realized it, Giselle was being herded into a car with a few women, being plied with babies, and completely lost track of Austin.

“Where are we going?”

“Dinner, of course,” Glory answered simply, as if that was everything that needed to be said.

“Y’all didn’t tell her we were going out to eat?”

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