Page 64 of Forever Fabled

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“What?” Giselle and Harley shouted in unison – and Alpo picked up his wife, jerking her inside the hangar and began stripping her clothes off of her.

Austin whipped his head around, putting his back towards the frantic couple and focused on the roll around cart.

“I’m going to get her a coverall, so she isn’t naked,” Harley announced, running for the other building.

“I’m going to get the first-aid kit,” Giselle followed – running after the other woman.

“Alpo!” Austin yelled, without turning. He could still hear her sobbing in the distance, completely freaked out but calming down slightly. “Is she bit? Did she say what it was?”

“A wolf spider got on her hand,” Alpo began. “She knocked it off, and the babies started crawling onto her – and the cart. That’s why she lit it on fire. I think she’s okay…”

“No, I’m not…” Glory said angrily, sobbing. “I’m never going to be okay again! There were a bazillion spiders crawling on me and… and…”

Glory started crying again.

“Baby, I’m gonna get pest control out here right away, but you gotta remember – we are in the country. There’s going to be spiders, snakes, and scorpions. You know the routine. Check your shoes, don’t pick up sticks, and shake out things before picking them up.”

“Iwasshaking out the rag, Hunter,” Glory snapped. “That’s when the eight-legged-Trojan-horse decided to scurry up my sleeve!”

Austin heard Alpo laughing behind him – and his wife’s righteous fury.

“Quit laughing! It’s not funny!”

“You are so sexy when you are mad, sweet cheeks.”

“Because I’m standing here in my skivvies, surrounded by… Sparky! Thank you for not looking and putting out my tool cart. I actually love that thing even though it’s contaminated now.”

“It’s not contaminated,” Alpo chuckled.

Austin was smiling as Giselle walked back up with Harley, moving quickly to Glory’s side. He stood there, listening, and looking over the things in the tool cart. The rubber or plastic was marred, blistered, and melted on several tools, but would still be functional once they cooled and cleaned off.

“Hey… a plane’s landing,” Austin called out, grasping the cart and pushing it to the side.

“Is everything off me?” Glory yelped nervously. “I’ve got to get dressed.”

“Yes,” Giselle said. “I don’t see any marks or bites on you.”

“Gimme a few minutes… and there might be,” Alpo uttered playfully, and Austin chuckled with his back to the scene at the man’s innuendo

“Annnnd - she’s fine,” Harley announced. “C’mon and let’s leave them here.”

“Yep, go away, sis… and quickly.”

Glory’s throaty laugh was heard as they walked away from the hangar.

Harley glanced over her shoulder at the couple, quickly walking and shaking her head.

“They are always like that… and I’m so happy for them.”

“It’s sweet,” Giselle said, glancing over her shoulder – and Austin stopped walking in awareness. She obviously wanted him to play with her and be a little more openly affectionate, like the duo behind them in the distance.

He could certainly do that!

It was easy when it came to Giselle and wanting to reach her. He craved that sweet sideways look or faint blush on her cheeks like a dying man begging for water.

Romeo interrupted his thoughts just as Austin was getting ready to reach for his girl’s hand…

“Are we ready?”

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