Page 56 of Forever Fabled

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He already knew what heaven was.

It was the way she looked at him – and how he felt when he was with her. Hell would be any life where he couldn’t see her… and that voice inside his head spoke up once again, only this time a little louder.

… You only have a week.

A week with the woman of his dreams, in a place where she was obviously happiest, and would be completely surrounded by friends or family members the whole time. Having time alone would be rare - and when they got back to Ghazni? It would be even rarer.

He would lose those sweet kisses, those touches, those hugs – all because of a stupid chain-link fence and rules.

What was he going to do?

Suddenly, Giselle was frowning at him.

“Hello? Austin? Aren’t you hungry? I mean, I hate to start without you, but once I get a bite? It’s going to be a throw-down, and someone could lose a finger.”

He laughed easily and gazed at her frowning face, realizing he would need to make the best of this week and every moment he had with her.

“Let me text Caboose – and go ahead. Pick what I should try first.”

Moments later, he was biting into what had to be a lava pocket.

Giselle’s eyes were watering as she chewed happily, but he was pretty sure he was going to have a blister on the roof of his mouth from scalding hot gravy shooting straight onto it. The kolaches were insanely delicious and just cooked, so he was very careful with his next bite.

Pretty soon, Austin received a text message from Caboose that he was there – just as they were finishing the last of the doughy orbs of deliciousness.

Flyboys taxi service…

Tips are appreciated!

And a big tip will get you to your destination…

On my way – LOL

Missed you, bro!

“He’s here. Are you ready?” Austin smiled and saw her grimacing yet smiling at the same time.

“My belly is soooo full. I’m a happy camper.”

“C’mon, sweetheart,” he chuckled, hefting her bag up and his. “Let’s go.”

“You called me ‘sweetheart’,” she asked softly, smiling in wonder up at him as he stood next to her seat. “I like that.”

“You are my sweetheart, and I’m yourboyfriennnd,” he teased, winking at her. “C’mon. Caboose is not the most patient person.”

She stood up and groaned slightly, rubbing her stomach, and put her hand in his – and he understood. His stomach was unbearably full, and he felt like he could take a nap.

Walking out of the airport towards the parking lot – he saw Caboose standing there with his dark aviator sunglasses on his face, grinning… and then he saw Firefly.

“Well, lookie what lil’ Sparky brought home with him?…See, Caboose? I told you my favorite little mutt would go into heat one of these days when he got old enough to come running home. How’s my favorite puppy-wuppy?” Firefly teased, throwing an arm around Austin’s neck, causing him to laugh nervously.

Austin glanced at Giselle. Her eyes were round with surprise, as she had her hand over her mouth, obviously laughing.

“Are you house-trained yet, runt?” Firefly asked, running his knuckles on the top of Austin’s head playfully, like he’d done several times in Ghazni in the barracks.

“Hi Firefly,” Austin began, “This is my girlfriend, Giselle.”

“Awww, Caboose – did you hear that?”

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