Page 44 of Forever Fabled

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She drew in a deep breath and let it out.

“That seems so long ago – and it’s funny the things you remember when you feel safe and want to share them with someone who understands.”

“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard,” Austin murmured, and she turned to look at him – and hesitated as he met her eyes, giving her a shy smile. “Perhaps Santa looks a little different when you get older, but the sentiment is still the same, no matter what.”

He was holding a small black box in his hands.

“You didn’t…” she smiled shyly.

“Of course, I did,” he replied tenderly. “Merry Christmas, my sweet Giselle.”

She reached in her back pocket and held up the small case proudly – only to hear his laugh.

“Giselle…” he growled playfully.

“Merry Christmas, my sweet Austin,” she teased, matching his wide smile as she stuck the case through the fence for him. Laughing, he handed her the box and hesitated.

“Hang on,” he urged and looked around. “Come closer.”

She stepped forward obediently, and he waved her closer still, putting his shoulder against the fence and his hip. “Match my stance,” he smiled, “Because if we were having a real Christmas and this stupid fence wasn’t in the way? I would be sitting next to you on the floor by the Christmas tree or on the couch, watching you open your gift.”

Giselle immediately obeyed and looked at him, his face so close to the chain-link that she could see his dark eyes. She nearly sighed aloud as she saw his smile, and loved the fact that he had a nicely trimmed goatee on his chin. It made him look so incredibly gorgeous.

“Hi…” he whispered.

“Hi…” she replied, feeling that smile on her lips again. He made her feel so alive, so thrilled to be here, despite all the challenges and nastiness of the world circling them. Here, she was at peace.

“Open it,” she urged.

“You open yours,” he ordered, chuckling.

“Same time?”


They both counted aloud and when they got to ‘three’ – she opened the case and hesitated.

Inside lay some tiny gold earrings that looked like suns with tiny diamonds in the center. She heard him whisper her name and didn’t dare look at him because her vision was blurring from the tears that suddenly flooded her eyes unexpectedly.

She lovedTangled– and recognized this emblem. This sun was from the princess’ kingdom where she returned, falling in love with Eugene.

“Do you like them?” he said softly. “I thought the little suns were appropriate because we are out here in the desert…”

“It’s from the Disney movie calledTangled,” she whispered and looked at him in that moment, despite the tears. His eyes widened in alarm for a moment before she spoke. “It’s my favorite movie and I love them. This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had, Austin. Thank you.”

“Put them on for me.”

She nodded and removed her plain silver studs, putting the tiny gold suns on her earlobes, fastening them.

“How do they look?”

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he breathed, still staring at her. “I can’t tell what shines brighter – the stars in the sky, the stars in your eyes, or those earrings…”

“You flirt,” she laughed easily – and then spotted his unopened gift. “You didn’t even open your gift from me.”

“I wanted to savor these last few moments.”

“Open it,” she ordered playfully. “Now nothing is as nice as this, but I saw them and thought it was perfect.”

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