Page 41 of Forever Fabled

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“West Side…Boring?”Riptide grinned – and Austin lost it.

He darted for the man at the same time Ricochet went for him, neatly sliding under the squadron leader’s arm, using his wiry frame to his advantage – before tackling the smugly grinning, surfer-looking pilot against the wall noisily.

“Hit a nerve?” Riptide grunted as Ricochet pulled Austin off of him.

“What is going on, Lieutenant Calder?” Ricochet snapped angrily. “And what is he talking about? What ‘sweet little thing’?”

Austin ground his teeth and looked at Ricochet, painfully silent. Ricochet met his eyes and without turning away, he spoke.

“Riptide, can you return to the barracks and wait for me?”

“Yes, sir,” Riptide grumbled… and thirty seconds later, Ricochet asked him again, his voice infinitely quiet.

“What is going on – and you might as well tell me because everyone will know shortly if I have to get Reaper to pull security footage?”

Austin swallowed.

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” he whispered, looking at Ricochet. “I have a friend that is stationed at the Army base next door – and when I go running, we meet up and talk at the fence for a little while.”

“Have you trespassed on Army grounds? That is a smaller installation and they do not allow unauthorized people to just come and go like they are back home. In the States, all you must do is flash your I.D. and answer a few questions at the security gate. Here, they’ll ask questions later because of our location and constant threat. Have you requested permission?”

“No, sir,” Austin admitted. “I haven’t crossed the fence line – and no one knows that I’m talking to her.”

“Her, huh…?”

“Yes, sir.”

“And you haven’t broken protocol?”

“No, sir.”

“Ignore Riptide,” Ricochet said simply. “The man is jealous and bored. Don’t engage him or you could get in trouble for rough-housing… and then there would be no more freedom to go talk to your girl.”

“Yes, sir.”

* * *

Following Ricochetback to the barracks, he was surprised to see that the man had gifts for all of them that his wife had shipped in. He was grateful for the razors, soap, socks, and other goodies… putting his cookie aside to split with Giselle this evening. Saying ‘thank you’ to Ricochet – and touching base with Riptide to make sure there were no hard feelings… he headed for the exchange.

The idea that losing his temper with Riptide could end his conversations with Giselle was the only reason that he went and ‘ate crow’ – apologizing to the man. She was putting in for leave and hopefully would hear something soon because the first date available was two weeks away.

Browsing the sparse inventory, he searched and searched for something, anything remotely nice to get Giselle… and spotted the perfect gift.

There, in the case, against a blue velvet box, was a pair of earrings that were perfect. It was nice, simple, not too fancy, and would show that she was special to him without making things weird. Earrings were an easy gift, and the tiny box would be easy to slip through the fencing.

… That stupid, blasted fence.

Purchasing them, he slipped the box in his pocket and threw away the receipt quickly, afraid one of the guys would find it. Last thing he needed was the entire team taunting him about having not even gotten to kiss the girl he was falling for.

Austin hesitated – and smiled.

Yeah, he was falling for Giselle and wanted to take his time about it. He wanted it to be right for both of them, not rush into anything, and make sure that it lasted because things could be hard enough as it was – especially with the forced separation between them.

He couldn’t wait to surprise her tonight for Christmas.

Two hours later, he received his present… via email.

My dearest knight-of-the-realm,

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