Page 116 of Forever Fabled

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And you make my heart zooooom!

(Still rhymes… but it’s definitely losing something if I keep going)

I’m gonna give you those babies – and enjoy making them with every breath I take! That is no hardship, and I mean that sincerely. Say the word, or better yet? Just walk into any room where I am… you won’t have to mention a thing because I am CRAZY about you, Giselle!

We’ll know in twenty-four hours if the house is ours.

I miss seeing your smile, so how about that hot date tonight night? Are you up for a little ‘fence-rendezvous’ with you-know-who?

I love you,


* * *

That evening,she immediately spotted him as she rounded the corner along the line of the fence, trying to ignore the soldiers that were now posted every so many feet watching for insurgents.

As she jogged up to the fence, she saw Austin’s proud smile.

“Hey homeowner…” he said simply, unable to hold back his excitement.

“You’re kidding?” she gushed wildly, reaching for him through the fence and trying to hug him as he tried to kiss her. His lips barely pressed against hers. They were awkwardly smashing their noses and foreheads against the metal chain links.

“I hate this freakin’ fence…” he whispered. “I’m so ready to go home… now that it has a meaning to me.”

“Oh Austin,” she breathed, knowing just how much this must mean to him. “I can’t believe we are getting that house… it’s so beautiful.”

He chuckled softly, his fingers holding onto the links as she reached for him… and he whispered, unexpectedly singing to her softly.

“… On those ugly counters - Or in the rain… In a chair? In my lair… I will love my wife just everywhere,”he sang softly, his voice playful, kissing her forehead, her nose, and her mouth, as she laughed gently trying not to draw attention to them.

“Your last day is July 11th? Mine is July 7th … I reached out to Harley and Thumper to tell them what was going on and the closing date is set for the 13th, so I will pick you up at the airport and take you home,” he said proudly and she beamed at him happily.

“Take me home and be mine?”

“Always, sweetheart…”

“You’ve got to promise me something though.”


“You’ve got to be careful when you are leaving – and feign sickness if they try to send you out again. I’m terrified something will happen to you and wish that I could…”

Austin froze and angled his head for a moment, thinking.

“I’m going to talk to Reaper and see if I can stay for a few more days so I can fly out with you,” he said suddenly. “I’ll let you know in the next few days for sure. I’ll just tell him I can’t get a flight.”

“You think that will work?”

“They aren’t going to want to send anyone out for a little while due to lockdown… so we might be stuck. I need to let the realtor know or see what I need to do about a power of attorney.”

“I think they would understand that we are active duty and things are hectic. I mean, if you can do most of it online and I’m sure…”

“Giselle,” he said softly, smiling at her. “It’s going to be fine. We’ll figure it out and go home together – I promise.”

“I’m so happy,” she admitted. “I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I,” he hesitated. “Wanna celebrate?”

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