Page 114 of Forever Fabled

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“I don’t care about anyone else,” Gretchen said weakly plopping down in a chair looking almost as defeated. “Sit down, Calder. I need to think.”

Giselle sat silently, not sure what to say.

“I wanted her there, in my clinic, because she’s the best we have,” Gretchen began, looking at Logan, and Giselle was shocked by her words as she listened to the woman speak.

“She’s smart, quick on her feet, and can put me to shame inserting an I.V. in someone quickly. I’m more of a ‘get it done’ mentality… but she’s got a gift and the soldiers respond to it. I mean, just look at the men when she walks around? They treat her like a respected family member – she’s like a sister to them and we don’t let ‘family’ go, remember?”

“Gretchen, we can’t hold her back,” Logan said quietly. “As much as I hate to say it, but we just can’t. I won’t do it when you and Perry are ready to return to the States either.”

He paused and met Gretchen’s eyes without faltering.

“I will freak out, have a small panic attack, and then scramble to get someone with a half-a-brain to take your place… because let me tell you? Angels just don’t drop into your lap like you did for me when you and Randy got married – and I will be forever grateful for you both.”

“Ughhhh,” Gretchen said in frustration, rolling her eyes. “And there you go with the flattery…”

“It works,” Logan smiled, giving Giselle a quick wink as she sat there quietly, not sure what to make of this easy camaraderie between her two bosses. Nobody talked to the captain like this – yet there was something there between Gretchen and Captain Logan.

A friendship that went deeper than just work-related, making Giselle wonder at what happened behind the scenes to create this between them.

“Where are you going?” Gretchen asked Giselle quietly, not looking at her but still watching Logan’s face. “Back to Wichita Falls?”

“Actually, there’s this place outside of Tyler…”

“OH, FOR PETE’S SAKE…” Logan snapped hotly, doing a complete 180 degree turn and glaring at Giselle. “Did Griffin put you up to this? I’m gonna have that man’s front teeth made into earrings if he doesn’t stop…”

“Isn’t he your fr-friend? W-What? N-Nooo?!” Giselle stammered interrupting as the man leaned over the desk angrily looking at her – just as Gretchen started laughing uproariously next to her. “I’m getting a job as an EMT in Ember Creek and Austin has a job already lined up in Yonder, just southwest of Tyler.”

“So, neither Lily or John had anything to do with this?”

“You did this…”Gretchen reiterated bluntly.

“Fine! Is that what you wanted to hear me say? I did this, Gretch… this is my fault, and I will get you someone else here as quickly as I can,” Logan snapped hotly, signing off on Giselle’s resignation paperwork.

“Heads up – your former life doesn’t end the moment you walk off this base. You’ll end up seeing both of us again, so don’t be a stranger, and be prepared to have company over for coffee one of these days. Got it?” he said in a matter-of-fact voice. “I can’t believe any of this…”

“Did something else happen?” Gretchen began as Logan gave the other woman a knowing look.

“Juliet is looking at homes in Tyler,” Logan muttered, but there was a rueful smile on his face. “She wants our kids to grow up in the area – and I’m not sure I’m going to win that fight with her. My father is in D.C. and well, it’s really hard to pick your wife and child over your parent. I told her to find a place with an In-Law suite that is separate from the house… and do you know she found one? Now, I’m stuck. I’ve got nine-kinds-of-hell going on in my personal life… and now three weeks to find you another medic, Gretch.”

He slid the paper towards Gretchen and she signed it – before sliding it back towards Logan, and turning towards Giselle.

“Coffee, BBQ, whatever… but you need to stay in touch, okay? Family is family – and I feel like you are part of mine. While I’m happy for you both? I’m jealous at the same time because all our friends are there… and I’m speaking for both of us,” Gretchen said openly, glancing at Logan.

“If your EMT gig doesn’t work out? Go to the Tyler Police station and ask for Officer Griffin,” Logan began… and smirked. “Tell him I sent you and they’ll help you find something, I promise. I might be mad at him stealing my people… but it’s only because he has a heart of gold and can’t say ‘No’ to family.”

“Thank you both,” Giselle whispered, tearing up. “I’m gonna miss you both.”

“Enough to stay for another year or two?” Gretchen perked up.


They all three laughed and got to their feet, just as Gretchen hugged her… and then Captain Logan.

“Congratulations again, kiddo… and I mean it when I say ‘barbecue’ or coffee,” he smiled. “None of that cheap stuff either – good strong coffee and smoked Texas brisket.”

“Yes, sir,” she smiled, saluting him.

“Get outta here,” Gretchen laughed, nudging her on the shoulder. “He’s got work to do and needs to find me another medic.”

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