Page 106 of Forever Fabled

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She was the ‘Doc’ for this mission… and there was no going back now.

Exiting the building, she saluted Captain Logan and made her way to the truck where the guys were standing. Several knowing looks, men she’d given IV’s to, guys she’d dug shrapnel out of their legs, backs, and other parts of their bodies, were standing there together… with the prettiest and meanest looking dog.

“Guys…” she said simply in greeting.

“‘Sup Doc!” Selkirk grinned. “You riding shotgun with us today?”

“Suns out, guns out – right, fellas?” she smiled and heard their laughter, their easy acceptance, as one of the guys offered a hand to help her in the back of the truck.

She cast one glance towards the other base – and saw Austin standing there in the distance… as he dropped his helmet on the ground.

She wished she could talk to him, comfort him. He was probably in shock at seeing her getting in the truck with the rest of the team that was heavily armed and heading into town.

Tonight, she thought sagely.She would talk to him tonight and reassure him that everything was fine.This was a normal thing, and it was her ‘turn’ on the roster that they kept.

Honestly, this was going to be a breeze for her because she was going out with two trucks… which meant two teams of ten men – and a medic could be assigned to handle up to forty men.

She raised her hand in a silent wave before disappearing inside.

* * *

Thankfully,the afternoon passed easily, and it was truly a sunny day. Giselle was glad there was a breeze because the temps were already reaching an almost unbearable warmth as they fried slightly under all their protective gear.

Keyes insisted she stay in the middle so they could protect her as they marched. She had Talbot and Peña flanking her, with Morrison in the lead with his dog, Trigger. Selkirk was bringing up the back and running his mouth the entire time, making comments here and there to cause the guys to crack up laughing at random moments.

Yeah, it could have been so much worse.

As they all filed back into the truck, she smiled as they handed out water bottles to everyone and treated her like ‘one of the guys’.

“So, are you coming on the next one too, Doc?”

“She’s not as mouthy as Minors and a sure lot prettier.”


“Because you told him that having your back meant being your ‘golf caddy’ for the afternoon when you put a ‘hole in one’, Selkirk.”

“Hey! I put a hole in one… just before he put a hole in me!”

Giselle couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her as everyone chuckled at the man’s pun… just as they began to slow down, arriving at the base, and she heard Trigger yelp.

… Right before the world exploded around her.

The truck was launched upwards into the air and she barely had time to think, grabbing onto the framework that was covered with sheeting to keep them hidden inside. Her body swung wildly in that split second as she was hit by another man, who was being thrown clear of the truck.

Her mind could barely grasp what was happening as it was so sudden, filled with rapid fire movements, that sent the vehicle careening and tumbling wildly.

She couldn’t tell which way was up and heard Trigger yelp loudly as Morrison’s shouts became hastily barked orders not to be countered or argued with.


Giselle was moving, grateful she hadn’t removed her pack from her back, because she was going to need it…


Keyes was exiting the truck, rifle drawn and swiftly surveying the area, as Giselle ducked behind him, looking for hostiles, pulling her own weapon for protection.

“Just don’t shoot me…” Keyes said bluntly. “Adrenaline is high right now.”

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