Page 10 of Forever Fabled

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You are right. I’m wondering how you got my email address and a little unsettled. The last time I heard ‘let’s play a game’ it involved some puppet or marionette in a horror movie.

I’d rather not experience that.

If this is a friend – then refresh my memory of where our friendship began, because it’s escaping me completely. I don’t recognize the name in the email address.

Tag… now you’re it.


Austin clicked send – and jumped nervously at Reaper’s voice.

“There!” Reaper began. “Whatever you just did… do that again tomorrow because I swear that I saw a glimmer of that fun kid who arrived here long ago and was throwing Skittles at people, telling them to ‘Taste the Rainbow’.”

“I should have eaten them,” Austin admitted, feeling a smile touch his lips for the first time in forever. “That stunt nearly got me beat up.”

“You know why it didn’t?”


“Because it’s candy – and you are so gangly we were afraid to break you in half,” Reaper chuckled. “Let’s go get some chow…”

“Yes, sir.”

Austin logged out and hesitated, realizing that the other man was right. He felt better than he had in a few days and was curious to see how long it would take his mysterious person to write him back.

* * *

As he stoppedin to check his email again, he was stunned to see that there was a reply already.

… Ahhh – a movie buff, I see?

What’s your favorite movie?

What genres do you like?

Does it matter how I got your email address? I wanted a pen pal and unexpectedly had one fall into my lap.


Let’s pretend that real life isn’t whatever this reality is… Let’s play and instead, delve into another world. I think I will be a paladin with a bag of potions to heal people.

What would you be – and why? Perhaps I should make up a name for my paladin, because I’m pretty sure Sparky isn’t your real name, now is it?

Tag – you’re it again.


A friend

Austin nearly laughed aloud at this unexpected email and how intrigued he was. This person was neatly avoiding revealing themselves and wanting to continue their communications, garnering bits of information from him a piece at a time.

Alright G. Beck, I’ll bite again…

(see what I did there, oh great and mysterious Paladin?)

My favorite movie is Robin Hood. I like the banter, the time period, the idea of knights and knaves, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor… and the fact that there is some swooning maid combined with epic battles. Yup. Nottingham was a jerk, but I get the appeal of Maid Marian. Let’s be real - she would not have been happy with a pauper, no matter what she claims, and Nottingham could have won her over if he would have gone about things differently.

Swashbuckling (historical or sci-fi) adventures are my thing…

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