Page 5 of In the Gray

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Just like I knew Dad would be disappointed that I’d run away.

Guilt ate away at the carcass of my soul, so I took another sip of water to wash down the bitter taste.

“Okay,” Tanisha announced her return. “Oxtails, mac and cheese, yams, and lemonade.” She set down the first steaming plate in front of Golden, and my mouth watered. “And rice with peas, jerk shrimp, cabbage, and Coke.” Roc stole a plantain from the plate before she could even finish setting it down. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

“Yeah,” he spoke with his mouth full. I cringed as he regarded the waitress. “Get her whatever she wants.” He nodded to me while staring her down. “It’s on the house too.”

Tanisha paused like she wanted to object, but when Roc simply looked away to answer his ringing phone, she sighed and turned to me. “What would you like?”

Feeling my stomach growl, I decided not to let my pride get in the way of a free meal. “I’d like the jerk chicken sandwich and fries, please.”

“Coming right up,” she said before flashing a fake smile at the same time Roc finished his call. “So, what are you doing la—”

“Aye, we good,” he cut her off while typing on his cell. “We don’t need nothing else.”

Tanisha resembled a dying fish, but Roc didn’t notice as he gave his phone his complete focus. The waitress stood there for a second longer before slowly walking away. As soon as she did, Golden leaned over to whisper in Roc’s ear.

So he does talk.

I was almost fascinated as I watched his lips move. His mouth was downright sinful, which was a shame since he didn’t seem to use it much.

Or maybe he found better ways to put it to use.

Before I could decide if the turn my thoughts took were weird or not, Roc started cracking up. “You’re probably right, bruh.” I frowned. Why had Roc been staring at me when he said that? Oh, fuck. They were talking about me, weren’t they? “My boy said you might not want to eat that food when it comes. Tanya probably spit in it.”


“What?” Roc’s brows dipped in confusion.

“The waitress’s name. It’s Tanisha.”

He waved me off. “It’s whatever the fuck I say it is. So where you from?”

I blinked at how quickly he switched topics before responding with a question of my own. “Why?”

“Aye, you rude as fuck, you know that?” He was scowling now, all trace of humor and goodwill gone as he stared me down. “I want to know because Golden said he saw you scoping our place of business like you the Feds or something.”

A moment later, I froze when I felt something cold and hard press against my knee.

“And in case you’re wondering, that shit isn’t rhetorical. I’ll blow your fucking kneecap off if I don’t like your answer.”

I cleared my throat, forcing the tremble from my voice before I allowed myself to speak. “I’m supposed to believe you’ll shoot me in front of all these people?”

“Why not? They get paid not to see shit, and I’ve been itching to use that meat grinder they got in the back.”

The hard look in his eyes made it clear he wasn’t fucking around.

“Where I’m from is irrelevant since I’m never going back. And for your information…” I glared at Golden, who was picking at his food as if he’d already lost interest. “I wasn’t watching you,” I lied. “I needed a job, and I saw you were hiring.” I paused, waiting for some indication that he believed me. When none came, I said, “I can prove it.”

I reached into my back pocket and snatched free my proof without regard for the gun Roc had pointed at me. Then, unfolding the application, I slammed the paper onto the table before pushing it toward him.

Roc merely glanced at it before meeting my gaze again. “It’s not filled out.”

I waved at the table and the restaurant in answer. “I was about to when you two followed me here like paranoid creeps.”

The next few moments were the longest of my life as I waited for Roc to decide whether or not to shoot me and grind me into little pieces. Or maybe he’d be cruel and turn me into ground meat while I was still alive. I wasn’t sure I’d make an amazing stew.

“Oh, aight,” he said, shocking me before sitting back and putting his gun back in his waist like it was nothing.

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