Page 4 of In the Gray

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I parted my lips to curse her out when the glass was snatched from her hand by none other than the sexy mute himself. The three of us watched in stunned silence as he gently set the glass back on the table before me. Thanks to Tanisha, it was only half full now, but thirst was the least of my problems.

“I—thank you.” I waited for a reply or even a nod of acknowledgment, but Golden just stared at me.

Oh, boy.

“The fuck you over here plexing on little girls for, Tanya?” Roc snapped while remaining completely unaware of the tension between his boy and me. As if it was the worst thing Roc could do to me, irritation surged at him calling me a little girl. I had no idea how old they were, but my guess was mid-thirties.

“It’sTanisha,” the waitress corrected.

“It could be Tina fucking Turner, and you’d still be out of line. It’s a damn table, girl. It’s not that serious. Go get us our usual and hurry the fuck up.”

Mouth agape, I watched Tanisha scurry off to do as she was told.It couldn’t be me.

I was so caught up in watching everyone scattering like roaches when you hit the lights that I didn’t notice the cause of it all sliding into my booth until it was too late.

“Uhh…” I wrinkled my nose at the sight of Roc and Golden, now sitting across from me. “What are you doing?”

“Sitting down. Having lunch,” Roc answered while holding my gaze. There was a slight dip in his brows, and I could tell he was trying to place where he might know me from. Golden must have told Roc he’d caught me staking out their business.

Meanwhile, I was stuck on how unbelievably gorgeous they both were.

Roc had rich brown skin, long lashes, chestnut eyes, a thick patch of hair adorning his chin, a thin mustache and beauty mark above his thick lips, and enough waves in his close-cut hair to make you seasick.

And from what I glimpsed underneath his white ribbed tank and open long-sleeve uniform shirt, his chest, shoulders, and arms were a mosaic of colorful tattoos. One of them was a child’s hand gripping the forefinger of a much larger one with a date under the wreath of sunflowers adorning the child’s wrist. Written across his chest in Old English were the words, “Only Halo Can Judge Me,” which I found odd but decided against asking about it.

I’d known the moment Desi called his name that I’d found another one of the Kings.

Like Golden, Roc was taller and bigger than his younger self, with the same mischievous glint from the photo. Each time my gaze fell on his image, I couldn’t help returning his infectious grin and feeling the same pull growing in my chest now.

My gaze traveled to Golden, who was staring out the window like we weren’t even here—like he hadn’t followed me to this diner.

I flicked my fingers at them dismissively. “Well, go sit somewhere else.”

Roc blinked his surprise that I dared to order them, and I could have sworn that was a smirk playing at the sensual curves of Golden’s lips.

They both stayed put.

“Why would we do that?” Roc returned. “This is our table.Youleave.”

But you just said…

Roc was grinning now, his almond-shaped eyes practically glimmering, and I decided not to give him the satisfaction of going off. Rolling my eyes, I tore the wrapper from my straw and dropped it in my glass before taking a long sip to gather my thoughts.

“Aye, you look familiar. Who yo people?”

Choking on the cold water, I coughed for several seconds while they stared me down like I was a weirdo. I guess my reaction had been pretty weird. “You don’t know them,” I rasped.

“You don’t know who I know. Answer the question.”


Dumb for my cause, necessary for my ego.

I wasn’t lining up to be stepped on by men who already had too much power. It didn’t matter that I’d thrown away the opening I needed just to prove a point. I’d find another way in. One that wouldn’t make me another bowing and preening subject.

My mama had always said my stubbornness would be my downfall.

I hadn’t spoken to her since I left home. I never even told her where I was going or for how long. I knew she wouldn’t care. She was trapped in a fog of grief so thick I knew it would be weeks before she noticed I was gone.

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