Page 12 of In the Gray

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Unfortunately, it was cold, and my jacket was thin, so I said fuck it after only a few seconds and spun on my heel to go inside the warm building to wait.

What was the worst that could happen?

The answer came when I collided with a wall made of hot flesh and hard muscle and smelled like mouthwatering cologne mixed with motor oil.

I blinked. “Oh, my God.” I groaned when I saw it was Rowdy. “You’re still here?” Standing this close, I had to tilt my head back until my skull damn near touched my spine. I wasn’t even short. He was just thattall.

“Aye, you’re rude as fuck.” His slashed brows bunched as he frowned down at me.

“Me?” I pointed at my chest as my lips parted at his audacity. He had some nerve when he was still trying to intimidate me.

“Yeah.” He stepped closer. “You.” Somehow, we ended up in a staring contest that ended when he sighed. “Look, if you’re not here to get your car fixed, then you need to move on. This is a place of business, and loiterers will be shot on sight.”

I followed his blood and oil-stained finger to the bright yellow sign with actual bullet holes in it that read exactly that. I pursed my lips. “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”

“Does it look like I give a fuck?”

“Funny. I was about to ask you the same.” I gave him my back again.

“You got a lot of mouth, little girl.” I’d lost my virginity years ago, but I was still too slow to recognize the sensuous drop in his tone before it was too late, before he grabbed my hips in a punishing grip and yanked me to him. “I might just stick my dick in it.”

I felt my nipples harden just before I tore myself away and turned to face him.

All that got me was my chest pressed against his abs when he grabbed me again and forced me right back against his body. This time, I stayed put and wondered if his cologne also worked as some kind of sedative. He smelleddivine. At least, I assumed it had to be his cologne since I didn’t think a body wash existed that could overpower the smell of motor oil and exhaust fumes.

“Let me go, please.”

I was annoyed with myself for even asking when he deserved nothing less than to have his shit rocked. I was also aware that Rowdy was now my boss, and despite how wrong our first meeting had gone, losing this job or quitting wasn’t an option.

“How old are you?”


Instead of answering right away, his strong hands slid from my hips to my ass, massaging and memorizing the shape and curve of it through my jeans. He wasn’t gentle either. I didn’t understand how his touch could be so rough, the deep massage driving me to the tips of my toes until I had no choice but to cling to him for support, yet feel better than any sensation I’d ever felt. He was thorough too.

Before I could stop my reaction, my eyes fluttered close, and this time, I let my answeringmoan free.

“Because I want to fuck you,” Rowdy eventually confessed. His deep voice dripped sex instead of malice now. “Today. Now. Five fucking minutes ago if you hadn’t distracted me with your fucking mouth.” I could feel his lips grazing my neck softly before he lifted his head to meet my gaze. “Why else?”

I ignored my throbbing pussy and the arousal ruining my panties and said, “We just met, and I don’t even like you.”


“You’re only supposed to have sex with people you like.” I wanted to wipe the condescending smirk from his face. Instead, I tried once again to get away from him.

“Hate me all you want, beautiful. I’ll still make you come.” There was no trace of arrogance in his claim, only a simple statement of facts, which might have been the reason I found myself believing him. Staring at him while he distractedly searched the area, I realized his eyes weren’t hazel as I’d originally guessed but green. “Come on.”

Before I could tell him no, he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the gate where the man he’d beaten unconscious was still bleeding and lying unconscious on the ground.

My new boss, who was clearly not to be fucked with, stepped over his limp body like he was nothing, forcing me to do the same.

And now he was leading the only witness to his crime to some undisclosed location that was probably dark and known only to him.

“Where are we going?”

Rowdy’s expression gave nothing away when he glanced over his shoulder. “To fuck. Where else?”

My next breath punched out of me, and I suddenly dug my feet into the pavement while trying to pull my hand free. It didn’t deter him one fucking bit. He just tightened his grip and kept walking as if my consent was optional.

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