Page 11 of In the Gray

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I didn’t know if she was frozen in terror or just weird as fuck, but I was only two strides away when I could no longer hold back.

Ihadto speak to her.

If only to satisfy this fierce and vicious need to hear her voice.

Even though that phantom voice from before warned me this moment was crucial, I only spared a second to think about what I would say to her, what my first words to this unknown girl who had provoked such a visceral reaction from me would be before I let them free.

“What thefuckare you looking at?”

Two Kings found, two more to hunt.

That was my last coherent thought before I sawhim.

My brain told me to run, but my feet wouldn’t move. Maybe some intrinsic part of me knew what was happening. He stepped out of the shadows that the cluster of clouds looming above had made as if it had known he was moments away from committing murder and sought to shield him from prying eyes.

Late for my first day at my new job, I’d been rushing down the sidewalk when I heard the pain whimpers and followed them without thought to this moment…to him.

His breathtaking features—medium-brown skin, unusually bright eyes, thick eyebrows with a diagonal line purposely cut in each, full lips framed by a short-boxed beard, neat and intricate cornrows pulled back and secured at his crown while the sides and back of his fine grade hair were shaved into a hide fade—became distinct with each step that brought him closer until there was no doubt in my mind about who he was.

Rowdy Wray.

The third King.

The one who’d ignited my blood every time I studied that photo taken twenty years ago. Every time, I gave into the pull and let my eyes wander to him posing and brimming with arrogance.

I wasn’t brave enough to reach for it now, but I knew his face by now like I knew my own.


He’d been the tallest of them even then.

Taller than he should have been at fifteen or sixteen.

Unlike the others, he’d already filled out the white and red Chicago Bulls jersey he’d worn that night. His style had been simple yet, somehow, outshone them all. I told myself it was his height that fascinated me so, but how did that explain the trance I fell into every time?

He hadn’t been smiling so much as smirking. Could it be that even twenty years in the past and frozen in time, he was aware of my unhealthy fascination?

Of course not.


Fuck me, I hope not.

There was no question that this man would ruin me if I let him.

I opened my mouth to say something,anything, but no words came. It didn’t matter, though. He beat me to it.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” It would have been less jarring if he’d slapped me. “You deaf?” he barked when I remained silent. “The fuck you looking at, little girl?”

So that was how it was going to be then.

“Not sure.” I squinted my eyes like I was trying to take a closer look. “The new bitch in cell blockD?”

Rowdy gave me a blank look, so I rolled my eyes and turned before taking a few steps away so I could watch the street and put some distance between us.

A moment later, I heard the creak of the pedestrian gate opening and slamming closed behind me.

Roc had given me explicit instructions to wait for him outside for whatever reason. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day, so I agreed to his strange request.

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