Page 120 of Falling For The Boss

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“And I need a pilot for my jet. I’ll pay above the going salary rate.” One side of his arrogant, handsome face twitched—a twitch I’d bet wasn’t due to anger. Oh, no. This time he knew he had won. “What do you say?”

He thought he had won, but this battle was just getting started. With a gleam in my eye, I firmly gripped his hand. “I look forward to winning, oops, I mean working with you.”

About the Author

Rebecca Sue Jonesee lives on a wooded forty acres with Mr. Jonesee and a Maine Coon cat named Walter in rural Indiana. She writes stories that tug on your heartstrings and make you laugh while rooting for the main characters. Whether you enjoy wholesome romance or steamy love stories, Rebecca has you covered.

Winning My Grump Boss is the excerpt to a multibook series Rebecca is writing which unfolds in Pleasant Valley, Vermont. Check out her web site for more information:

Falling Hard

Barb Shuler


May Love be what you remember most.

~ Darcie Sims

Chapter One


One Year Ago

There was nothing more embarrassing than staring up at your sexy-as-sin boss with mascara and snot on my face!

Not to mention that this was happening while I was hiding in said boss’s office, crying like a dolt. The buzzing in my ears seemed to drown out all thought. Or sense, as I just stared up at him like a deer in the headlights.

I was an utter disaster with no signs of improving.

Why had I even bothered to get out of bed today? Why had I chosen this office to hide in? Why, I ask? Was this some kind of punishment? Had I been a bad person in my last life?

My boss, the sinfully sexy, hot-as-the-sun, Malcolm Ferguson, was just staring at me, his head tilted to the side like a curious puppy. A very well-put-together puppy. I was about to be fired, and I’d only been in this atrocious building for less than fifteen minutes.

I was afraid to speak. What did I do? Good God. Someone just shoot me now and put me out of my misery. Seriously, it would be the kindest thing to do.

If I could go back half an hour, I could re-do this disastrous day. It was all my mother’s fault. She’d jinxed me—or cursed me. With her, there was no telling.

Deep breaths, Ella. Deep breaths.

I let the morning replay in my mind, trying to see where it all went so backwards.

“It’s your first day! Are you excited?” my mom’s voice rang through my ears from the other room.

I was far from ready for this job; for being responsible. For adulting—all of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m an adult. I’ve adulted and had it kick me in the teeth. I’ve been around the proverbial block a few times. And no, not in that way.

I just mean, at the ripe old age of twenty-eight, I’ve seen a lot. Done a lot. Been married, cheated on, belittled to the point of having no self-worth, beaten after a bad business venture left him broke. I’d also been arrested for clocking said cheating ex with a lamp a few dozen times, when he’d tried to strangle me, and then divorced.

Ya know, the whole ‘been there, done that’ shebang.

In his case that was literal, but whatever. I’m over it. Most days.

“Ella? Are you in here, sweetie?”

“Sorry, Mom, just not spatially aware yet.”

“You’re worrying over nothing. You’ve got this.”

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