Page 22 of Code Name: Phoenix

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“What is this?” Logan’s voice is low, confused.

Dana avoids the question. Her gaze shifts around the room, and it looks like she’s trying to figure a way out of answering.

Finally, she stiffens in her seat and tosses her head to the side to get the hair out of her face. I can already tell she’s chosen to challenge him. But she’s not doing herself any favors by defying Logan on his own turf.

“It’s a notebook. Don’t they teach you about things like that at secret spy school?” She crosses her arms, taunting him with a sneer, and I sigh.

It’s been too long since Logan had something to play with.

For someone who doesn’t yet know we are the good guys, she is a little too confident for her own good, and I can only assume it’s because she’s trying to protect her friend.

“Feisty little thing, aren’t you? I’m going to assume this isn’t yours. You’re trying to deflect for your friend.” He holds firm, and my anxiety ticks up a notch at which way this is going to go.

Rolling her eyes to the ceiling, she starts in on him. “What do they call you again? Was itJackass?” She holds her stare, and I chuckle to myself. Logan tries to cover his ire with a strained smile that’s pulled so tightly, I almost see his teeth.

Walking over to the table, he purposely drops the notebook beside the bag with a loud thump. Then, leaning into Dana’s space, he grips the arms of her chair and jerks it around to face him. Lowering himself further, he lines his eyes up with hers and drops his voice into a slow, low warning.

“They call me Jekyll. As in Jekyll and Hyde. Trust me when I tell you that what you’ve seen of me so far is the nice guy. I can be a very—very—bad man if I don’t get what I want.”

Her expression fades along with some of the color in her face as she attempts to swallow a lump in her throat.

To my surprise, Logan gives her another chance to answer.

Pushing slowly off her chair, but maintaining eye contact, he reaches out and grabs the notebook. Then he towers over her, looking down at her in his typical dominant stance. Her defensive guard tells me she doesn’t like it one bit.

Opening the notebook, he flips a few pages, then takes a deep, resigned sigh.

When he breaks his stare with Dana and looks in my direction, my interest is so piqued, I’m about to explode.

“Why is the name Jack Waters written over and over again on every page of this notebook?”

At the name Jessa and Dana knew me by in high school, I’m done. I break my promise to stay out of Logan’s way. Leaving my hiding spot, I take quick steps down the hall, then push open the door and burst into the interrogation room.

The look on Logan’s face is expectant.

He’s not surprised I’m barging in. He knew I would. I realize too late he’s using me as part of his interrogation process, but I’m not backing down.

I’ll play my part.

I want answers now.

Grabbing the notebook out of Logan’s hand, I open it to a random page in the middle, then flip a few pages.

There it is. Over and over again. Across every line, filling every page.

Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters Jack Waters

When I glance up, I find Logan evaluating my actions and Dana attempting to mask a regretful sadness. Then I look at the bag. Poking out of the top are more notebooks.

Dropping the one in my hand, I reach into the bag, aware that I am the only one in the room making any noise.

I vigorously open another notebook. This one’s a little smaller than the last, but as I quickly flip the pages, I see my name is still there.

The next one I pull out is the same as the last.

My name is everywhere.

Logan has taken two steps back to watch me play the part I just signed up for.

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