Page 28 of Lawless Princes

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I notice how she looks at Brielle with interest, and I’m fairly sure she’s trying to figure out who Brielle is in relation to me.

“Maybe,” I reply, but I don’t look at Sofia. My focus is on the pretty princess sitting opposite me.

“I’d like to see you again, Kai.” Sofia is starting to sound desperate, and it takes me a few moments before I drag my gaze over to her.

“We’re done,” I tell her, not giving a shit at the way her lower lip wobbles. I’ve never had a girlfriend, I don’t do that shit, and I don’t intend on making her mine.

“I thought—”

“Listen, Sofia,” Valen says as he rises. “Let’s talk.”

He takes her by the arm and leads her away. and I’m thankful for it. I didn’t want to lose my shit in front of Brielle. She’ll learn who I am soon enough, but for now, I want her to enjoy her meal in peace.

The waitress brings our order over, and the fragrance of the pizza has me salivating.

I look at Brielle and say, “Eat.”

“I’m not one of your fuck toys,” she bites out as she grabs a piece of the garlic bread then licks her fingers.

I want to fight this desire I feel for her, but I can’t. Her lips shimmer with oil and wine. I want to lick her mouth—I want to taste her.

Clearing my throat, I shift in my seat and lean forward. “You’re not one of my fuck toys, because I discard them when I’m done, but make no mistake, Brielle, you are mine.”

She glowers at me as I feel a presence at our table. I turn my attention to the guy who’s standing there, staring at Brielle. I recognise him instantly. He’s one of the new students, an up-and-coming Boss who’ll be at the university for at least the next three or four years before he’s ready to take on his family’s organisation. He’s nothing more than a kid playing grown up games.

We haven’t met before, but I have a feeling, by the way he’s looking at Brielle, he’s going to become well acquainted with my fist in a second.

“Can I help you?” My voice is a low, warning rumble as I glare at him.

Staring daggers at the bastard, I’m ready to attack. I haven’t drawn blood in a while, and I’m feeling hungry to do just that with this little shit.

“I was just wondering if your girl here has a date for the dance.” He looks at me and smiles.

He probably thinks it’s worth taking a chance because I don’t have Brielle on my lap and my arm’s not wrapped around her.

“How about you take a walk?” I tell him.

“I don’t know anything about a dance,” Brielle says at the same time I speak, and my blood warms to boiling point when she smiles at the bastard.

Before he has time to respond, I’m on my feet and in his face. I’m taller than him, and I hover close to his face before I grip his throat. My hand captures the column of very delicate bones. I could squeeze now and steal his breath. I could tighten my hold and make him see stars. And if I increase the pressure further, I could break bones that are integral to this arsehole seeing another day.

“As I said, you should take a walk. The Princes don’t appreciate your bullshit,” I tell him, and his eyes widen. He’s realised who I am.

“K-K-Kai Errani,” he mumbles.

“That’s me.” I smile when I feel him attempt to swallow. His Adam’s apple moving against my palm. I want to choke him, to see him struggle, but instead of being a total arsehole, I release him. “Now, I trust you and your friends won’t forget that this girl is off limits,” I inform him only to receive a nod before he rushes past Valen who’s staring at me confused.

“What the fuck was that?” he asks as he glances over his shoulder at the group of kids walking out of the restaurant.

“Arseholes,” I say as I slip back into my seat.

If Brielle’s glare was angry earlier, I would say right now she’s livid.

“You don’t own me, yet,” she says. “If I want to—”

“What you want is no longer your choice. We will make sure you’re safe. Don’t for one second think about dating any of these kids on this island. You are owned, princess. You’re ours. It doesn’t matter if you want to be or not.”

She pushes to her feet, but Valen is beside her in seconds.

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