Page 27 of Lawless Princes

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There’s a very clear chemistry between Brielle and Judah, but it can be volatile. Mainly because he doesn’t trust her. It will take time for their relationship to develop. But we all want this to work. She didn’t immediately run off after our confession, so I’m hopeful, given the time, she’ll be willing to accept us.

“Are you hungry?” I ask, turning my attention back to Brielle.

There’s something about the little princess that makes me want to look after her, to protect her. Since she’s come into our lives, she’s been under our watchful eye. But now she knows our secret, it’s even more important to keep her safe.

She nods with a small smile on her pretty face. “I am.”

“Shall we go out for dinner?” I suggest as I glance at her and then Valen.

We can go out to the pizza place down the road. It will give us some time outside the mansion, and it may help clear Brielle’s mind from worry and concern.

I haven’t spent a lot of time with her. But I realise now it’s been a mistake. Valen’s taken the lead, and he’s the one she calls on if she needs anything. But I want to be there for her too. I can’t deny she’s gorgeous. She makes my cock stand to attention at times, especially when she’s being cheeky in her responses. The brat inside her shows up, every now and again. And I love it.

“Let’s go,” I say as I leave her with Valen and make my way to the door.

They follow behind, but there’s no sign of Judah. I slip into the driver’s seat of my SUV. Valen joins me up front, while Brielle is seated in the back. Before I start the engine, I pull out my phone and send a message to Judah. He doesn’t need to know where we are all the time, and I doubt he cares, but I think if he was to join us, it may be for all our benefit.

“How are you liking the island so far,” Valen asks Brielle, and I’m intrigued to hear her answer.

“It’s beautiful. I didn’t think I would enjoy being away from London so much, but coming from a big city, I think it’s a welcome retreat in many ways.”

“Good,” Valen says, but I stay silent.

It’s just who I am. I don’t like showing my cards too soon. We’ve already confessed more than I’d like, but it’s been necessary. She says she needs time, so we need to give her space. The main thing is she didn’t run.

When I pull up to the restaurant, I kill the engine and exit the vehicle. Opening the rear passenger door, I help Brielle from the car, and I can’t ignore the spark that courses through me when she touches my hand.

Inside, the restaurant is busy with students and professors from the university. It’s the weekend, so I’m not surprised. Once we’re seated at a table in the back corner, I take in each face. Even on the island, I know we’re not safe from the threat of those who want us dead.

“Hey, guys,” the waitress says with a smile as she sets the menus down.

“Two large Sicilian pizzas, two garlic breads, and three glasses of Merlot,” I order without bothering to look at her.

My attention is solely on the girl who’s sitting opposite me, the one who is now a part of my life.

Once we’re alone again, Brielle pins me with a glare, and I have to fight back the need to laugh. Her fire is fun to play with. I’ve always been a fan of danger. And I certainly don’t shy away from it. Especially when it’s so beautiful.

“I’m able to order for myself,” she throws at me, her eyes blazing with frustration. “I don’t like being treated as if I’m helpless.”

“I never once thought you were,” I tell her as I tip my head to the side, regarding her with interest. “I just don’t need to sit here for twenty minutes while you scan through the options before deciding on the one pizza that has all the toppings. One that’s delicious and I know you’ll enjoy.”

Her glare attempts to burn me, but I don’t allow it. One thing I’ve learnt, over the years, is to never show weakness. It gives your enemy an advantage. But if you show them you’re unfazed by any threat, you’ll ensure your victory.

“And how do you know I’ll enjoy it?”

I can’t stop the smirk that curls my lips. “Well,” I start as I lean back in my seat and meet her stare directly. “As well as cheese and olives, it’s topped with a variety of three sausages. What’s not to love?”

Her cheeks darken to a deep red at the innuendo, and I’m proud she understood it. The wine arrives before Brielle can reply, but I’ve a feeling she doesn’t have too much to say. She quickly picks up her drink and swallows back a mouthful. The stain on her lips makes them look even plumper than usual, and the sheen of wetness makes me throb against my zipper.

“Something I said?” I ask, arching a brow as I watch her reaction with interest.

“Not at all,” Brielle replies. “So,” she continues. “What do you do all day? I know Valen teaches, but what is it that you bring to the island?”

“I teach as well. However, my classes are off-site, in a private building not far from the university campus.”

I pick up my drink and savour the Merlot—deep, rich berry flavours burst on my tongue, and I wonder briefly what it would taste like trickled over the smooth, tanned skin of the woman before me.

“Kai,” a voice calls to me and I glance up to see Sofia, one of the female students I had riding my dick a few weeks ago. “Are you racing tomorrow?”

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