Page 17 of Simeon's Beloved

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"Hello, Hunter. It's so good to finally have you alone." He stated jovial and out of character for the usual indignant individual. “Looking for Dave, are you?” Hunter did not respond and took a couple steps back but did not descend the steps.

"He's behind you. This time there will be no one to catch you when you accidentally fall down the stairs. This time you will be dead, and you will stay dead. Dave has promised me a healthy share of the business once you're out of the way." George began to laugh but stopped abruptly when Simeon stepped into view with his arm around Dave's throat. Simeon tightened his hold on Dave and showed Hunter the gun stuck in Dave's waistband. Dave was there to kill him. Everything Master Cabot had told him was true.

Just then, George decided to try and make a break for it and turned to run but was stopped by Sam, who stepped into the stairwell in front of him. He incapacitated George with a solid punch to the gut, and then, similar to the way Simeon had ended the life of the hitman, Sam grabbed George by the head and snapped his neck.

Dave Jr.'s eyes grew wide as he watched his accomplice in this tragedy fall lifeless at Sam's feet. He panicked and fought for release, but it was no use; Simeon held him effortlessly. Hunter descended down the flight and stood in front of them, looking hard into his brother's eyes. "I never knew you." He said and then added. "But I cannot watch you die. Please don't kill him." He shifted his gaze from Dave Jr. to Simeon.

Simeon wanted this man dead. He wanted him out of their lives and no longer a threat to his kind and vulnerable beloved. Sam had effectively dispatched the other one, but Hunter begged for his brother's life, a brother who would happily see him dead. Unfortunately, he could not deny his beloved, but he could leave Dave Jr. in a state such that he was no longer a danger to anyone.

He continued to strangle him and placed his other hand on his forehead. He then turned him so their eyes met and began whispering as he bore into his mind and scrambled his thoughts and memories, inserting new fears and phobias enough to keep any physiatrist busy for decades. In the end, Dave Jr.'s only recollection of his past life was his name and nothing else.

Simeon released him, and he dropped to his knees, completely out of his mind. Satisfied with the outcome, Simeon looked up at his beloved. "I didn't kill him." He said and was floored when Hunter began to laugh.

“Thank you for that and this,” He pointed where Dave. Jr. sat on the floor. “this is perfect.” Simeon walked up and pulled Hunter into his arms.

“I have to keep you safe.” He said in his own defense.

"And I appreciate it," Hunter responded. Sam let them know that he'd take it from there and not to worry.

"Go enjoy your beloved Simeon. You've earned it." He told him, and with thanks, Simeon quickly guided his beloved out of the Hotel and back to his car. Hunter did not seem upset, considering what had gone down. He was focused and pensive clearly, there was something on his mind, but Simeon did not feel fear or regret, only wonder.

He turned him around when they reached their vehicle and pinned his back to the passenger side door holding him there with the pressure of his body. "Talk to me, Hunter. I can feel your concern, but I can't read it."

Hunter placed his hands lightly on Simeon's hips and looked longingly into his eyes. "I can't believe that someone like you chose me, and I get to have you and love you for the rest of my life." That was not what Simeon had expected, but he was blessed to have heard it. "You have saved me over and over these past few days, and still, you stand with me. No amount of murder or mayhem has managed to scare you away. How have I gotten so lucky?"

Simeon felt the relief of knowing his beloved cherished their bond and looked forward to a long life together. "I am the lucky one, sweetheart. I waited for you for more years than you can imagine, and to have you here with me now is the greatest of gifts. I will stand by you always, and I will love you always." He sealed that pledge with a kiss.


Hunter's father left Sacramento and was never heard from again. Suggestions were planted in his subconscious by the vampires sent there to take custody of the winery and its holdings. What the suggestions were was never discussed. Dave Jr. returned to Sacramento and was placed in care to live out the remainder of his miserable life.

The winery was annexed by Cabot Wines, and a team was there assessing and making plans. Master Cabot and his beloved Taylor were on their way there to oversee the changes. Hunter did not want to take any money from the winery, not feel a connection to the winery or his family, and just wanted to forget. But Master Cabot took the millions and put it into a trust for him to use as he saw fit.

"Use it for charity, start a business, buy a boat, or keep it and let it grow. You earned every penny." Master Cabot insisted, so Hunter relented but gave him a deep discount on the property.

Master Cabot gave Simeon and Hunter one of the larger cottages on the edge of the vineyard, allowing them more room and privacy. Simeon left it to Hunter to decorate and make it a home which he did with gusto. Hunter never knew he could be so happy or that life could be so fulfilling. On their first night in their new home Hunter busted open the Pinot Noir that was purchased at auction, and they toasted their new life.

“Forever yours, my love.” Simeon toasted.

“Forever yours.” Hunter agreed.

